MATCH: 20/30
Deck Hostile: Chaos Synchro Plants
Deck duky5000: Anti-Meta variant
Deck construction: 7/10
Match performance: 18/20
SINGLE: 0/10
Deck Hostile: Machina Gadget
Deck duky5000: Machina Rabbit
Deck Construction: 9/10
Duel performance: 14/20
TOTAL: 68/100
Different decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
73/100 ----->
RA dorm
REMARKS: duky5000...He came to me with an Anti-Meta deck while i was showing my Synchro Plants....SIGH...
Skill Drains, Burdens, Starlights, Rai Oh's all over the field and i kept on bashing through that defence
but it was useless...Very nice deckchoice and smartly played 2...I was hopeless and i did all kinda stupid things to find an answer
so i've lost direction,lol.
Single duel was almost a mirror match and it turned out good for me because i had a better hand and you might overextended a bit
on turn 2...No misplays and i can honestly say that you're RA MATERIAL!!!!
Mucho Congratso,lol.