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 Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex

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Team : Dreamstate

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Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex Empty
PostSubject: Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex   Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex Icon_m11Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:14 am
Match Duel #1: Geargi Machina vs Thunders
10/10 points

Deck Construction: 14/20 points

• One Trago seems a bit iffy, a better replacement is gorz.
• No Gorz. ^
• OneThunder at three seems a bit too much, maybe use it at 1 (not the best of Thunder cards).
• One Recycling Battery? Max it out to three, its a better card than OneThunder and can also get most of your monsters.
• Only 2 Thunder King Raioh, it should be maxed out.
• Extra needs more Constellar Omega, Messir 7,
• Gagaga Gunamn and Thought Ruler Archfiend not needed in extra. I would possibly take out them and also one Paradois for another Constellar Omega, Messir 7 x2 or Messir 7 x1 and Evilswarm Ourobos (since you can get three monsters out in one turn pretty fast.

Going chaos Thunders is also an option, with the use of BLS (ofcourse) and Tourguide or the Gravekeeper Engine.

Performance: 17/20 points

• No misplays, what i can i say that Raioh shut down everything i had lol.

• Used Photon Palliphorate on Geargiarmor. Maybe you thought it wouldn't activate. Going Pot of Duality would have been better because you had two bottomless anyways to stop my xyzs.
• Used Vylon Prism's effect when Light-Imprisoning Mirror was on the field.
• Sided in one Cyber Dragon, maybe you didn't have a second in the side?



Match Duel #2: Gravekeepers vs Zombies

Deck Construction: 16/20 points

• Seems like a good zombie deck, just a few minor things.
• No Sangan.
• The one Trago again lol, and its better replaced by Gorz.
• No Gorz (not sure why you don't have it.)
• Flamvell Uriquizas in the Extra is better replaced with Scrap Dragon.

Some cards to consider Tourguide, Call of the Haunted,

Performance: 16/20 points

• Goblin Zombie facedown is always better than summoning it as it can be, as you saw, solemned and then you don't get the search.

• Sides were okay, but there are better cards, eg: Noble Man of Crossout
• No Misplays
• Great use of Solemn on Gravekeeper Spy, that turned the tide. I didn't draw any monsters after that.
• You kept your advantage and played around bottomless, by setting Zombie master which was good.

• Didn't learn from the first duel Razz , summoned Goblin Zombie again, for it to be Solemned yet again.
• Great bluff with veiler.
• I think you summoned Zombie Master too early with Necrovalely on the field, even though you had a shot at my life points, if you had waited a turn you would have had more plays with Zombie Master, with necrovalley then gone. A better play would have been setting plague facedown.

If you are wondering why i dark holed your only Pyramid Turtle, its because i didn't want to attack it and let you gain a monster which would open you up for more plays.



Total: 78/100

Different Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2

Just need to work on your decks a bit more and siding and you'll make it to Obelisk soon enough!

Grand Total: 83/105

You shall be remaining in Ra Yellow Dorm for now!!


Team : Genesis

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Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex 2ntv8so
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Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex   Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex Icon_m11Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:10 pm
Well Liyana after reading again again all the comments i must admit i have some objections over scoring and how i could have 4 or 5 + points in overall
score (that means 87-88/100)
1st match: Geargia vs Thunders

  1. Trago may seems a bit iffy but is less expected (element of surprise) than Gorz which we all know opponent has in hand when leaving the field wide open with no face-downs (at least most of the times). Truth is i had Gorz in the beggining mained but changed it last moment. Also thanks to sea-horse x 3 and cardcar D x 2 (5 cards in total) i can gain hand advantage thus summoning a higher ATK Trago.
  2. You make 2 bullets for the same point i think:
    Quote :
    • One Trago seems a bit iffy, a better replacement is gorz.
    • No Gorz. ^
    Does that mean points are deducted from me twice for the same reason? Or is it counting different (in negative scoring) replacing Trago with Gorz from "No Gorz"? If it is different then you are right (or maybe it didn't count twice negative scoring)
  3. I guess that the thunder that seems too much is sishunder which doesn't SS another fellow thunder on the field. You are right at this but
    as you may observed i have much backrow (solemn brigade,bottomless,prisons etc) to support that.What is more sishunder can bring back sea-horse to my hand for further searching,but ok i could use 1 copy of that and not 2.
  4. Max recycling to 3?? Wouldn't that come with many dead hands and also take place of staple spells+traps reducing the overall cohesion??
    (just thoughts of mine). I'd maxx it at 2.
  5. I had 2 Rai-oh mained cuz i know that it hurts a lot of today's deck. I don't know how much of a difference could make 3 copies (i guess vs gadgets it could make a big one!) but i decided to side the cyber dragon instead of 3rd rai-oh. And speaking of cyber dragon you only pointed (in performance section) that i didn't sided 2 CD's(a negative thing) while not mentioning that CD+chimeratech which i sided was good against your machine deck( a + thing,i am not sure also if you saw chimeratech after siding but nvm)
  6. And here comes my extra deck from which i think i lost my most points(to end up in 14/20). Well maybe i could replace gunman with 1 more constella omega but not paradios,because when it is destroyed its +1. And more his effect inflicts 2000 instant damage.Considering Thought Ruler Archfiend,it is immune to some staple traps/spells that target exactly him(since its the only psychic in my deck) here's some:prison,compulsory device,lance,book of moon etc..I consider it a good synchro imo.I agree about messier 7 and ouroboros,maybe i'd replace crimson blader with ouroboros and gunman with messier 7.
  7. As for the draw engine here i used the cardcar D's.I know the chaos version(tour engine,BLS) and i am aware of what to replace to change it and make it chaos thunder but i prefered staying with pure thunder for something different this time.

  • So, in deck construction i believe i could get at least a 16/20 (if not 17/20) and explained already why. Also,by taking 10/10 in 1st match and receiving 14/20 in deck construction this may implies (no offense) that i may won 1st match due to luck.Both games then? And if my construction is so poor how i won 1st match? I have seen other tests that a 10/10 match is followed (at least) by a 16+ deck construction and its reasonable to an extent(i know they are not proportionally connected necessarily). If it's indeed so poor i guess the answer here is: Luck was by my side.
  • For performance i have no comments apart from the Cyber Dragon i mentioned above. I sided CD+chimeratech,didn't want to throw another CD,this would ruin my build in total i believe .I know that siding 2 copies of each card stands better chances of drawing them,but keep in mind i also had 2 rai-ohs!

2nd match: GK's vs Zombies

  • In deck construction i believe i could get 17-18/20.First of all,really now "no sangan" mattered so much?? Goblin Zombie=Sangan of Zombies!!! I can search every zombie through goblin and not only through that but also through 2 x book of life and zombiemaster x 3 that SS goblin zombie. That's 3+3+2= 8 cards...how many times i'll get solemned warned??A different card sangan could search that goblin couldn't was veiler (1 card)
  • Same again with trago and gorz>> 2 bullets..no comment again,nough said above -_-
  • i accept the uruqizas thing with scrap dragon needs replacement,yet uru can inflict piercing damage.
  • In Performance i don't have many to explain apart from goblin zombie. I know its better set face down,but have you thought that i maybe wanted you to waste your resources?? I supposed you had bottomless down which wouldn't affect my zombie and went for the top of your deck to grave.In overall it was a bad match-up for me against your GK's.Even though i sided mind crush+dust tornado to target your valleys i didn't draw them. Finally i know why u holes my pyram turtle,i was just joking when i said you wasted it on 1 monster only.

    Don't take it personally liya, i don't judge you as a tester, I know you are a very very good player,i don't like arguing and i am not whining either about not getting obelisk..I can accept critisicm.I just explained some thoughts and things in my deck's construction+performance to clarify some things. You are the tester you know better!




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Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex 2ntv8so
Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex 2ntv8so
1st Division

Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex   Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex Icon_m11Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:28 pm
Awarded DP, no cost, no dorm awarded.

I'll leave this thread open until a decision on the score has been finalised, it's being looked into now.

Once it's been made final I'll lock the thread.



Team : Tricksters

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YGOPro Name : Decato

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Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex   Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex Icon_m11Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:35 am
Okay, I've had a look at the replays.

First Match

You should be running between 2-3 Recycling Batteries: and like Liyana said, OneHunder isn't the best card: but if you do want to run it I would run 2 at least. (Used with Vylon and any of the Thunder cards and this card is what makes Hunders explosive and consistent.

Trago is fine at 2 in this deck: as the deck's win condition is XYZ, Trago's flexibility and 2nd effect is worth a space (but Gorz should be in there).

2 Thunder King Raioh is fine here as it contradicts with Seahorse.

I didn't like the one Smashing Ground and would've replaced it with another Torrential or maybe even a third MST.

Extra deck is, like Liyana said: needs more Omega and Messir 7.

16/20 for deck construction, points lost for the extra deck. (It was very close to 15 though.)

Second Match

Sangan = use it :P
No Gorz
Lack of Scrap Dragon and Uri is very sub par in today's game


End Result: 84/105: Ra

Last edited by Decato on Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:47 am; edited 1 time in total



Team : Dreamstate

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YGOPro Name : Liyana

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Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex   Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex Icon_m11Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:38 am
go on skype lol,

Locked until further notice
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PostSubject: Re: Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex   Instant Re-Test Results: xDeckShufflex Icon_m11

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