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 Re-test Results: KrisKrik

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Team : Super Friends

Posts : 569

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 6-0-1

Re-test Results: KrisKrik 2ntv8so
Re-test Results: KrisKrik 2ntv8so
1st Division

Re-test Results: KrisKrik Empty
PostSubject: Re-test Results: KrisKrik   Re-test Results: KrisKrik Icon_m11Fri Dec 21, 2012 9:02 am
Match Duel #1: T.G. Stun vs. Mermail Atlanteans
0/10 points

Deck Construction: 14/20 points

• 2 Leviathan in the Extra is too much; could do with Leviair in there
• 3 Abysslead is too much considering it’s summoning requirements
• Need more backrow or things to help push forward to make up for the banning of Megaloabyss, and with it, the deck’s explosiveness
• Cetus over MST is questionable
• Siding in Dust was smart but Decree not so much given your own trap count

Performance: 9/20 points

• Opened bad, nothing you could do.

• Should have set Torrential with Sphere since you could have chained Sphere to Heavy, if I had it
• Would have been better off summoning Diva turn3 to bait backrow and Rai-oh
• Used Abyssphere to early
• Going Gachi instead Gungnir would have been more resourceful



Match Duel #2: 3G vs. Agents

Deck Construction: 15/20 points

• Magical Android, 2nd Leviair and Muzu not needed in the Extra; Daigusto Phoenix, Acid Golem and Mist Wurm are
• 2 Herald Orange and 2 Veiler is overkill, 3 Herald would be better since you use Call and 2 Kristya
• The single Maxx “C” is better replaced
• Left Maxx “C” in the deck after siding when it isn’t good vs. my deck
• Didn’t side in Rai-oh until game 3

Performance: 6/20 points

• Summoned Hyperion too early
• Shouldn’t have set Lance since you had Tragoedia ready
• Should have summoned Catastor instead of Android since I have few darks

• Could have summoned Venus and Gachi to run over my Armor
• Using Veiler on Gigant would have better since that can fetch any machine
• Should have summoned Temtempo to deal with a Gigant’s material and Roach
• Should have destroyed Trag with Hyperion’s eff

• Setting Monster Reborn was not needed
• Using Reborn too early; should have summoned TGU first
• Didn’t attack with Gachi for game



Different Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2

Total: 59/100

You'll be staying in Slifer! Good luck in your future test(s).


Posts : 421

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 19-0-2

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Bronze
1st Division

Re-test Results: KrisKrik Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-test Results: KrisKrik   Re-test Results: KrisKrik Icon_m11Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:30 pm
Tester DP rewarded, Retest DP removed and Locked!

Re-test Results: KrisKrik

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