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 Instant Test Results: Shawn112

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Team : Dreamstate

Posts : 335

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 16-0-4

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Gold
1st Division

Instant Test Results: Shawn112 Empty
PostSubject: Instant Test Results: Shawn112   Instant Test Results: Shawn112 Icon_m11Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:28 pm
Match 1

Zombies vs. Gladiator Beasts: 2:0 - 0/10 points

Performance: 9/20 points

Duel 1: You correctly used Veiler on my Catastor before the battle phase to protect your Hoplomus. However I'm very experienced and I immediately went for a Roach summon to prevent the Gyzarus play next turn - you played Essedarii to bait 1 of Roach's components but you were stuck with only monsters and a dead SLR. At the end you didn't tag Darius after I left you an opening thinking that TKR can negate it - though eventually it wouldn't matter much.

Duel 2: You've played the dark bribe to protect thunder king from BTH when you could have saved it to protect Darius from my Prison; in a GB deck always protect the GBs. That allowed me to play the creature swap next turn and I ended up in control of the TKR. LAter you've used dark hole vs. my SDD just for it to return on the end phase; at any rate you were stuck only with a dead heavy storm at that point. Next time when you have first hand heavy storm don't set a lot of cards on your first move.

One other note - don't let your opponent go first every time - it's always better to go first except for very specific decks/cases.

Deck: 15/20 points

You have an OK build, I'd drop the dark bribes though - too heavy on their cost - Waboku is a much better choice for GB deck, or alternatively Prison to defend against attackers. I think it's also advised to run 3 Chariots - that's a key card for GBs. TKR is so-so in the main deck - I think it should be in the side deck and add in more support traps or spells.
Work on the side deck - you didn't use it at all against me and it's a very important aspect of the game.

Replays: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/90837170/Shawn112%20-%20Test%20Match%201.zip

Match 2

X-Sabers vs. Synchrons 2:0 - 0/10 points

Performance: 12/20 points

Duel 1: An experienced player might anticipate my intention to summon Naturia Beast and activate the MST before I synchro - you'll gain this experience in time. Nice turn with a lot of special summons - but I did have the bottomless to destroy the Nitro Warrior so you had to ram SDD into SDD. Reborning my stardust was not a good choice, better reborn your own.

Duel 2: It might have been better for you to take the Warning from the Duality as I rely on synchro summons. In the turn that you went for the big move I had warning to leave you with only tuners on the field - that essentially meant game.

Deck: 11/20 points

Too many multiples of cards that can be easily played in 2 copies or even 1. Add some versatility to the deck, maybe think about the plant engine. Also, the trap line up is not so good - for starters drop the bribes and add torrential tributes instead.
Again, no use of the side deck.

Replays: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/90837170/Shawn112%20-%20Test%20Match%202.zip

Total: 47/100


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 52/100

You'll be joining the Slifer Red Dorms; find some opponents there and keep practicing on all aspects of the game.

(Instant test cost already deducted in the Shop thread)


Posts : 151

Duel Points : 100

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Duel Career : 4-0-23

YGOPro Name : Shawn112

Instant Test Results: Shawn112 2ntv8so
Instant Test Results: Shawn112 2ntv8so
1st Division

Instant Test Results: Shawn112 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instant Test Results: Shawn112   Instant Test Results: Shawn112 Icon_m11Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:27 am
At least, I am dormed.


Posts : 421

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 19-0-2

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Bronze
1st Division

Instant Test Results: Shawn112 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instant Test Results: Shawn112   Instant Test Results: Shawn112 Icon_m11Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:17 am
Awarded and Locked!
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Instant Test Results: Shawn112 Empty
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Instant Test Results: Shawn112

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