Match 1Chaos Agents vs. T.G. Agents 0:2 - 10/10 points
Performance: 20/20 points
Duel 1: You had the clear advantage in this one opening with an excellent hand vs my almost dead hand. I could only stall for so much but your advantage was too much to overcome.
Duel 2: This duel was more even - we both got the Venus + Balls into Gachi start. I took a gamble to tribute summon Hyperion in order to get 4 Fairies for Krystia; I hoped your face down would be BTH cause I had lance but it was Chaos Trap Hole. I did summon Kristya though - but on the next turn you topped heavy to clear my back row and tribute summoned your own Hyperion which eventually meant game over.
Deck: 19/20 points
Your deck looks very good - card ratios are OK and it seems to be very balanced. The only thing that I found missing is solemn judgment; seems to me it's too good to pass on.
Your side deck choices were excellent in Kycoo and the Smashing to clear potential bosses. The funny thing is that you also replaced Warnings with Chaos trap holes - if you'd keep the warning in I wouldn't be able to summon Kristya in the 2nd duel as Hyperion would make the 5th fairy. (I do see the logic in the chaos trap hole though)
Replays: 2Wind-Up vs. T.G. Agents 2:0 - 0/10 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Duel 1: You started with only boss monster and Warwolf, you had book of moon for my Zenmaity but had to waste Dark Hole to get rid of it in your next turn. Unfortunately for you - it had tour bus as a material so I just recycled it to the extra deck. On my next turn I had all that's needed to loop your hand - and you eventually surrendered after Gorz got dropped.
Duel 2: Strangely enough - you again started with a hand full of bosses but without any of the small agents. You set the MST and had TKR attack me - but I had Tragoedia and next turn took control of your TKR with its effect for some beatdown. Then you drew a dead Duality and set it - when I attacked with rabbit you've MSTd your own Duality - I immediately guessed you were aiming to get Gorz so I used Rabbit's effect to escape the field and you surrendered. Here you should have held on with this play till I attack with TKR which would give you a bigger token and TKR can't cancel its attack like Rabbit could. Unfortunately for you the Maxx "C" you had from the start remained useless as my only special summon in this duel was the Tragoedia.
Deck: 19/20 points
You've used the same deck as in the first match.
Your side deck choices of Maxx "C" and Gozen match were good - I think you should have kept book of moon in there and not side it out.
Replays: 84/100
Attitude: +1
Different decks: -3 (Same deck used in both matches)
Grand total points scored: 82/100
A bit of a shame that you've used the same deck in both matches - you just missed on making Obelisk due to this fact.
So, you'll be assigned to the RA Yellow Dorm. I'm sure that next time if you use two different decks you'd make it to Obelisk.