Well, cool deck, I love using Tin Goldfish with gadgets to allow me to make Gear Giant and still keep with 6 cards on hand, but I'd change a few things like:
Main Deck:
Monsters - I never had a reason to run 3 Fortress, neither 3 Gearframe, you can easyly add gearframe to your hand with Gear Giant, and you can special summon fortress from the graveyard as long as you have the hand reqs. 2 Maybe, but 3 is too much in my opinion, 2 would be the correct since you have big eye there.
Spells - Instant Fusion? I guess the deck already have enough synergy for rank 4, you may save your extra deck for more Exceeds, 3 slots on the extra deck is kinda costy in my opinion.
Traps - You may consider running Compulsory Evacuation Device, it save lifes, since not every monster can be destroyed, also Dimensional Prison is a good card, these cards that don't destroy the monster but "Banish" or return they to hand, they are aways usefull, because there are monsters that simply can't be destroyed, and you have to get over it.
3x Shock Master is way too much, 3x Gear Giant X on the other side would be fine. Missing important things like Maestroke of the Djinn, one of the most usefull rank 4 monsters, Utopia and eventual monsters like, instead of running 3 Shock Master could consider running one Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon, Gem-Knight Pearl (Kill this Evilswarm Ophion, etc), Kachi Kochi Dragon (Double attack), Terror Fang Wolf, Diawolf (Destroy something nasty on the field).
Well, that's it, I'd also run some Hand-Traps if you can find any space, like Effect Veiler and maybe a Maxx "C", effect veiler can really win games, but maxx "c" sometimes you would consider leaving it on the Side Deck, good luck with the deck and, I know, I love to type long texts and sh-... Stuff.