that said, here's my proposal for a deck fix.
Archlord Kristya x2
Master Hyperion x2
The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter x2
Hecatrice x1
Nova Summoner x2
Shining Angel x2
Honest x1
The Agent of Mystery - Earth x2
Arcana Force D - The Fool x1
The Splendid Venus x1
Athena x2
total: 18
Heavy Storm x1
Dark Hole x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x3
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen x2
Coat of Justice x1
Celestial Transformation x2
Inferno Reckless Summon x1
total: 12
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
torrential tribute x1
Dimensional Prison x2
Solemn Judgment x1
solemn warning x2
total: 8
Number C39: Utopia Ray x2
Number 39: Utopia x2
Fairy Cheer Girl x2
Photon Strike Bounzer x1
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn x1
Abyss Dweller x1
Photon Papilloperative x2
Black Corn x1
Steelswarm Roach x1
Daigusto Emeral x2
total: 15
thunder king raioh x2
cyber dragon x1
chimeratech fortress dragon x1
gozen match x2
soul drain x2
Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning x1
Chaos Sorcerer x1
Maxx "C" x1
Effect Veiler x2
Shadow-Imprisoning mirror x2
the side deck should be pretty good for countering the metagame, and in main deck I took down a lot of the searcher stuff a bit, with thunder king and solemn warning in full swing, searchers are not that impressive. They're still needed, especially for hyperion food, but try not to rely on nova and shining too much, or you're leaving yourself open for an opponent's destructive effect. I didn't set up synchros in the deck, so you will very likely use earth as fodder for hyperion's summon. this is fine, just make sure you get your agent search first. I added the athena and celestial transformation+Inferno reckless summon to give you a really cool burn combo to work on. since you now have your searchers AND arcana force the fool; you can use your coat pretty consistently once you draw it, to summon big beatsticks. I don't know if you noticed, but space typhoon isn't limited to 1 anymore; use it all. With starlight road and the huge revolution is over in the game now, you need one for ones like space typhoon more often. It also pluses for you if you set it and use it in response to your opponent's attempt to destroy it, so if you time it correctly, space typhoon can be a big player in your deck. with 2 athena, you have the potential to go into photon strike bounzer, an amazing card if you ever get around to summoning it. the rank 4's are par for the course with an exceed deck, and should give you the ability to maintain advantage. Your deck's biggest weakness up until now has been it's lack of side and extra deck. I filled those spots in for you so you know what to expect. practice with the new cards, see how they work for you. Keep in mind that if you play gozen match, you'll most likely be stuck with only light monsters; do NOT commit non light's to the field if you intend to play gozen. It's mostly there to wreck windups and stop pretty much all decks from exceeding. soul drain is there to take out the mermails and darkworlds, but it has so many positive matchups. Keep in mind it shuts down your shining angels and nova summoners while in play though, so play cautiously with it. Anyways, these are just suggestions; either way, good luck!