Match 1Blackwing vs. Black Garden Plants 2:0 - 0/10 points
Performance: 18/20 points
Duel 1: Very good duel here - I was playing defense for most of it but was slowly gaining card advantage. At the end I had the BRD play to go for the win. No notable mistakes.
Duel 2: Another excellent duel - control went back and forth. I had enough protection cards to survive till I eventually got the Shura draw. Only thing I noted was that maybe it would be better for you to get reaper by Duality - though I would use the Gale from Shura to blow it up anyway.
Deck: 17/20 points
You have a nice black garden build; I'd try getting some more defensive traps in there - it seems a bit lacking on that department.
You've only sided one Maxx "C" - not sure that it does too much vs. my deck.
Replays: 2 X-Saber vs. D.D. Monarch 2:0 - 0/10 points
Performance: 16/20
Duel 1: Very unfortunate for you not drawing any Macro or D-Fissure for the entire duel - you did what you could but eventually I overpowered you for game.
Duel 2: You had MST for my first hand Imperial Iron Wall, unfortunately this time you were filled with the D.D. cards but didn't get the monsters fast enough while I was building my hand. Also, I was lucky with the MST on the huge revolution is over which allowed my to go for heavy storm and then get a swarm on. Your battle fader could only stall for one turn. GG
To summarize this match - you got the worst luck this deck can offer - one time only monsters and one time only S/Ts.
Deck: 16/20
Standard Macro Monarch build; what I think you lack here is a way to get the key cards faster - you could do well with pot of dualities or even Cardcar D. Try playing around with the balance of the deck; it's always tough to find the correct ratios for it.
Your side deck of black horn and big burn was OK.
Replays: 67/100
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 72/100
You'll be staying in RA yellow for now. Better luck next time!
300 DP should be deducted for the re-test.