Match Duel: GK Flamvell vs. Nordics
Single Duel: T.G. Stun vs. Hieratic
Match: 10/30 points
Single: 0/10 points
Match Deck Construction: 7/10 points
Match Performance: 16/20 points
Single Deck Construction: 6/10 points
Single Performance: 15/20 points
Total: 54/100
Different Decks: 3/3 points
Attitude: 1/2 points
Grand Total: 58/100
Replays: Smashing Ground when I had a dead Arcanite and a Catastor on the field, destroying my Arcanite.
Xyz'ing with 2 Sabre Tigers and attacking for 2500 instead of 4000.
Forgetting Atum can't attack the turn he uses his effect.
Next turn attackign with Atum instead of getting a plus 1/thining your deck of normals, and overlaying to do more damage.
Using Tragoedia too soon and therefore loosing it instantly.
Otherwise well played. You will be assigned to
Slifer Red dorm.
Tester DP awarded, dorm assigned, and thread locked.