Match Duel #1: Chaos Agent vs Sanctuary Agent
8/10 points
Deck Construction: 14/20 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Notes:Interesting deck focusing on Sanctuary in the Sky. However, I don't see why Airknight Parshath is doing in here instead of the 3rd Hyperion.
In regards to your extra deck: could've worked on it: too many synchros (you told me about putting in Lightning Warrior instead of Stardust) but also some of the XYZ choices could've been better. Heliopolis, Grenosaurus instead of Leviathan for example.
Sided in Raioh was a good way to go.
Game 1:
I would've set Solemn Judgement straight away: it has no reason to be in the hand.
You should've attacked my Gachi with Zeradias and my facedown with Venus which could've been run over.
Top deck Hyperion meant gg :p
Game 2:
Wasting Warning on Venus (after I already have gotten the Shine Ball combo out)
I had double Kristya: so bad luck in regards to that.
Game 3:
Would've been better to attack with the 2 Tour Guides (2000) then going into Zenmaines rather than attacking with 1500 attack.
Dark Hole + Reborn... :O
Match Duel #2: T.G. Stun vs Gravekeepers
Deck Construction: 14/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points
Notes:Like before the extra deck can use a lot of work: there are better rank 4 monsters than Thanatos, Kachi, Alchemic Magician.
I'm also not a fan of Visionary, Chief, but at 1 of each it's acceptable.
Running 2 Tour Guide but no Sangan?
I would - Tour Guide for 2 Compulsory or more defensive traps.
Game 1:
Forgot about Skill Drain and Tour Guide.
Skill Drain put the duel in my favor and you just couldn't get back.
I would've gone to a rank 4 when there was a chance if I were you.
Game 2:
Prohibition and Gozen Match was a nice side in. But leaving Gorz in wasn't.
No major misplays: just couldn't deal with my traps. Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
Total: 72/105
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Ra Yellow Dorm.
Tester DP and 100 DP for Test transferred