Match Duel #1: Frog Lancer vs Genex Mermail Atlanthean
5/10 points
Deck Construction: 16/20 points
Performance: 16/20 points
pretty much standart merleans but without megalos that's why i don’t think only 1 abyssteus and 1 abyssleed is enough to compensate it add more copy of them especially teus, easy summonable 2400 wall that can search other mermail monsters and add gunde too for easy xyz plays,
i would prefer for 2 undine and 3 controller with 1 allure rather than 3 undine with 2 controller because how undine is searchable and recoverable.
2 soldier and marksman with 2 diva well i would prefer either maxing all of them or at least maxing salvage if you dont want to, but if those number really work for you then i guess it's fine.
Well sabb already wrote a guide for mermails just read them for more detail.
Duel 1:too fast playing your darkhole and TT.
Duel 2:Diva won you the duel well done.
Duel 3:turn 19 wasted an abyss sphere to summon useless pike.
turn 20 looking at my field that full of monsters i would recover brd with avarice and try to find the oportunity to summon him.
Turn 28 reborned dragoon for direct hit is better imo, it’s not like I can destroy your monsters due armor kappa eff.
Siding in 2 DDV now this one really surprise me, not only merleans doesn't have enough dark monsters for it fodder but considering ronintoad eff this card pretty much usseless, maybe you don't have better cards to siding in?
Match Duel #2: T.G Stun vs. Gravekeeper Spellbooks
0/10 points
Deck Construction: 15/20 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Notes:It’s nice deck but I don’t know why you mained DDV and mind crush these card is better be sided, better use those space for other usefull cards.
And your extra deck need a lot of work.
Duel 1:Tried to special summonig in the turn you activating POD.
Duel 2:Used wonder wand on visonary, well i know you need a draw but better wait here.
Side in Vanity’s Emtiness and EEV, Eradictor was good but vanity? Considering I’m using stun deck that rarely special summoning that's not a good choice. Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
Total: 73You'll be staying in the
Slifer Red Dorm. you already close to Ra work hard next time mate.