Match Duel #1: Blackwing vs Burning Knuckler
0/10 points
Deck Construction: 16/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points
Notes:43 card deck. Barian's Force is interesting yes but not crucial in the deck. With the 3 Goblin I can see the point of the deck wasn't so much BK but more on Caestus. Good try but just lower the cards to 40 so its more consistent.
Duel 1:
Sent Counterblow to the grave with Headgear, just to add it back to hand with Warrior returning alive: you either banish it from hand or grave: so it's the same you just wasted a card.
I did misclicks here with Shock Master and attacking with Shura first but you failed to make me pay for that.
You should've used Compulsory on my BLS when I attacked with it: rather than as soon as I summoned it (letting me summon it again for game)
Duel 2:
No siding.
Using Maxx C before I special summoned: leading to a -1 for you.
Match Duel #2: Disaster Dragon vs Yubel
Deck Construction: 15/20 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Notes: Only 14 cards in the extra + 42 card deck. Interesting trying to focus on rank 9 with Yubel + Galaxy Light + Inferno Reckless summon. Why the Marsh though? From personal experience, Yubel isn't fast or aggressive enough for a XYZ build: better to focus on the Doom Shaman/Nephy build.
Here you were unlucky as I had Koaki Drago out: just a horrible matchup, this is why siding becomes important.
Game 1:
Had Koaki Drago out on turn 1: you had nothing to counter that.
Game 2:
No Siding: you knew I had Drago, you should've sided in other cards (like Soul Taker/Snowman/Raioh) just to name a few examples to stop that from happening.
Koaki Drago out on turn 2: again you had nothing. Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
Total: 67/105
You are in the
Slifer Red Dorm.
Tester DP and 100 DP for Test transferred.