Match Duel #1: Six Samurai vs Chaos Piper
10/10 points
Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Performance: 18/20 points
Notes:Cyber Valley was interesting: personally I would recommend D.D. Crow or Symphonic Warrior Bass for more options. Extra deck could use some work: you would never use more than 1 Slacker Magician per game and if you want to run Formula Synchron, Stardust and Shooting is a good idea instead of Carat (which isn't too hard with Bass).
On the other hand, your siding to change it into a Macro Stun-ish deck, predicting my sides was impressive and I gave you points for that.
Duel 1:
No mistakes: but I misclicked a few times
But sacrificing your Zenmaines for Caius isn't the best play: You were going for game but that was risky.
Duel 2:
Nice siding: I was amazed you started with D.D. Survivor when I drew D. Fissure. I would've taken Gorz out given you were running Macro and D Fissure though.
No misplays.
Match Duel #2: Blackwing vs Worm
Deck Construction: 13/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points
Notes: 3 Worm King is way too much: some run only 1: 2 max.
Gorz isn't that useful due to the high amount of traps.
You are running many traps = Run Starlight Road.
Umm the extra deck has 9 Heros... even if you had Super Poly in side.. that is not good.
I would find space for Constella Omega.
Game 1:
Why didn't you set Compulsory so you can get your Raioh back?
Drew Worm King (which is why 3 is too much)
Game 2:
No siding.
Why not use BOM on Raioh to run it over? Rather than leaving it on the field. Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
Total: 79/105
You are in the
Ra Yellow Dorm.
Tester DP and 100 DP for Test transferred.