Match Duel #1: Blackwing vs Scrap
3/10 points
Deck Construction: 14/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points
i would replace cards like scrap searcher and the tricky for other cards, 1 monk, 1 ryko and 1 dandelion too i think is too random here but it's really nice to see someone still using tengu, as for your extra deck i would replace scrap twin dragon for something else.
Duel 1:
no major misplays
Duel 2:
scrap yard is way too good to be only dragon's fodder.
siding in lyla
destroyed your own tuner.
siding in ryko
Match Duel #2: T.G Stuns vs Amazoness
0/10 points
Deck Construction: 14/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points
its a nice deck, but i think you need ROTA and terra forming for more consistency. and where is your heavy storm?. as for your extra why only 13 cards?
Duel 1:
no major misplays.
Duel 2:
you should use your compuls/TT before i sync into barkion. Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
You are in the
Slifer Red Dorm for now.