Blackwing vs Gusto 2:1 - 3/10 points
Performance: 17/20 points
Duel 1: The card was still face down when you MST'd it; it'd be better if you Night Beam'd it. Night Beam makes it unable to activate but unlike MST, it's not quickplay. Use Night Beam and setting MST would be the best option.
Duel 2: Skill Drain is a nice side here, though it kind of interferes with the face up monsters. No missplays, I just got the better cards eventually.
Duel 3: lol that 5k sirocco
Deck: 17/20 points
Gusto! Unexpected and we do like originality. It seems like your deck is built completely around using your opponent's monsters but I'd try to step down from that (not completely ofcourse) and give it some power. Thunder King Rai-Oh could work well in this work as it only interferes with Pot of Duality. Enemy Controller could also be a good addition (probably instead of that Night Beam), it's defensive and can set you up for synchro if used well. As for the extra deck, I'd swap Armor Kappa for Gantetsu due to it also being able to survive destruction from card effects and boosting every card's atk and def. I don't think Daigusto Falcon is a really good card; rather add Maestroke.
Match 2
Synchron vs Fire Fist 0:2 - 10/10 points
Performance: 19/20 points
Duel 1: no missplays; I had some unlucky mills.
Duel 2: no missplays, you had control from the beginning and like game 1, kept a full hand and field.
Duel 3: N/A
Deck: 19/20 points
Personally I'd swap one Horse Prince for another Vulcan though there's enough toolboxing already, but that's about it. Solid deck.
Total: 85/100
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 90/100
Congratulations, you've (barely, but still) made it to elite
Obelisk Blue!