Match Duel #1: Blackwing vs Karakuri - 2:1
3/10 points
Deck Construction: 15/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points
Replay's :
Lack of XYZ monsters.
Lack of Mystical Space Typhoon's.
Duel 1:
No Missplays.
Duel 2:
Turn 2 : You summoned karakuri merchant while i had raioh face-up on field.
Duel 3:
No missplays.
Match Duel #2: Gravekeeper vs Burning Knuckler - 2:1
-/10 points ( 3 )
Deck Construction: -/20 points (15)
Performance: -/20 points (12)
Replay's : :
Used banned card ( Magic Cylinder)
Lack of mystical space typhoons again...
Duel 1:
Turn 5 : You played heavy storm while you had facedown Prison , Torrental , Magic Cylinder just so you could destroy my 2 facedowns.
Duel 2:
You played Switchhitter while i had necrovalley on field.
You played The warrior returning alive while i had necrovalley on field.
Turn 13: you summoned Counterblow in attack mode for no reason.
Duel3 :
Turn 5 : You summoned Black Corn to take out 1 of gk spy? Restrained Barbaric Soldier would be way better choice.
Total 33/105
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 38/105
You will be staying in
Slifer Red Dorm for now. Read rules more carefully next time!
Tester DP and 300DP for Instant Re-Test Transfered.