Blackwing vs R3 water 2:0 - 0/10 points
Performance: 12/20 points
Duel 1: you shouldn't have activated Moray of Greed. Instead, use Diva to instantly synchro to Armades. Blackwing users won't just summon Shura without any backrow for no reason so using Armades will cancel the chance of Kalut being used. In turn 7 you should have summoned Hammer Shark and use it's effect to make it l3 and sp summon the l3 from the graveyard instead of Surface. This way you could have made an XYZ to stall me (Zenmaines, though in the end it wouldn't have mattered since I had CED on the field so it was game anyway).
Duel 2: Should have used Moray here - you didn't have anything good to play except one small wall. After you killed Rai-Oh with Judgment you should have tried to reborn it after that to force plays from me. Especially since you had backup from Mother Grizzly. In your last turn you should have used Moray after Salvage. You knew you were done with if I attacked with Armed Wing so you should've just went for a last stand to survive.
Duel 3: N/A
Deck: 14/20 points
Since you're using Abyss Soldier and Diva, I'd say try to run a few Atlanteans (marksman for example) instead of Needle Sunfish and Shocktopus and with that run a second Salvage. You can make giant plusses that way and make the deck more consistant by more backrow destruction and spamming to XYZ. Teching in a Tidal elemental dragon wouldn't be a bad idea either, there's a whole lot of targets and this way you can have a giant beater.
Dark Bribe isn't really a good card, it does stop certain plays but it also gives your opponent another card while you have one less. Also your backrow protection isn't sufficient enough if you want to run traps. Either go the royal decree way and max out MST or run more traps to protect your monsters with.
Your extra needs more variation so you can do more when you face situations. For example:
-1 zenmaines, -1 Leviathan, -2 Nightmare Shark, -1 Bahamut Shark, -1 Acid Golem
+1 Grenosaur, +1 Giga-Brilliant, +1 (or even 2) Leviair, +1 Temtempo, +1 Muzurythm, +1 Abysstrite (comboes with Bahamut Shark!) and add another Catastor to make Diva plays more viable. Catastor is a very versatile monster.
Match 2
Madolche vs Six Samurai 2:0 - 0/10 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Duel 1: No visible missplay, though not using Solemn Warning on Mewfeuille is debatable as it made me plus a card.
Duel 2: Wow what a God hand. instant lockdown really with the only real option for me being effect monsters. You should have negated that MST since I can only activate one spell anyway. This way you would have saved your own MST. Also, you attacked my Kinetic Soldier with Kageki, who's a warrior. There wasn't anything you could do against it so that meant game.
Duel 3:
Deck: 16/20 points
Pretty good deck, I'd just remove Back to the Wall, Iriou and Hand for another Dimensional Prison and 2 Double-Edged Sword Technique. I'd also use only 1 Great Shogun Shien. Instead of him you could try more protection for your monsters.
Your extra needs some work. Instead of (again) double copies of XYZ try single copies. Maestroke is a great card and should be added, as well as cards like Abyss Dweller, Leviathan and Leviair. Also Catastor instead of one Barkion.
Total: 58/100
Attitude: +1
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 62/100
You'll be in the
Slifer Red dorm for now. But with improvements to the decks and a bit of practice I'm sure you can make it to Ra.