Judgment Dragon x2
Gorz the emissary of Darkness x1
Flamvell Fire dog x3
Jain, lightsworn Paladin x2
Lyla, Lightsworn sorceress x3
Flamvell magician x2
Honest x1
Lumina, Lightsworn summoner x2
Flamvel archer x1
Card trooper x2
Ryko, Lightsworn hunter x3
Famvel baby x1
Effect veiler x2
Solar reacharge x3
Heavy storm x1
Mind controll x1
Dark hole x1
Rekindling x3
Monster reborn x1
Charge of the light brigade x1
Mystical space typhoon x2
Forbidden lance x2
Fiend comedian x2
Red nova Dragon x1
Mist wurm x1
Red dragon archfiend x1
Scrap Dragon x1
Colossal fighter x1
Stardust dragon x1
Blackrise dragon x1
Ancient fairy dragon x1
Iron chain draon x1
T.G hyper librarian x1
Ally of justice catastor x1
Gem-knight pearl x1
Maestroke the symphony djin x1
Leviair the sea dragon x1
Wind-up zenmaines x1