Match Duel #1: Thunder vs Hazy - 2:0
0/10 points
Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points
Notes: Solid Hazy Deck
Duel 1:
Turn 3 : Attacked me directly even thought you knew i had tragoedia and 6 cards in hand ( you had no way of stopping it).
Duel 2:
Turn 7 : Summoning maestroke was odd decision , would be better if you summoned Utopia.
Duel 3:
Match Duel #2: Blackwing vs Burning Knuckler - 2:1
5/10 points
Deck Construction: 16/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points
Notes : You dont use Headgear's which is a staple for Burning Knucklers ( For its "survive" effect , also to take things from graveyard etc..).
Duel 1:
Turn 5 : Left yourself wide opened , shouldve at least set "Spar" and end turn.After that turn i won the duel (because you left yourself wide opened).
Duel 2:
No Missplays.
Duel 3 :
Turn 7 : You should've used compulsory before battle phase on my stardust , then use mirror force @ battle phase OR just compulse my shura. Instead of that you used compulsory on sdd during battle phase and lost.
Total 69/105
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 74/105
You will be moving to Slifer Red Dorm.