Match Duel: Piper Chaos vs Agents Single Duel: Blackwings vs Machina GadgetMatch = 8/30 points
Single = 0/10 points
Match Deck Construction = 9/10 points
Match Performance = 18/20 points
Single Deck Construction = 8/10 points
Single Performance = 16/20 points
Total = 59/100
Different Decks = 3/3 points
Attitude = 2/2 points
Grand Total =
Replays: decks, Agents with Tour Guides works really well and they were all close games. There's a good chance you would have won the game you disconnected from. This is a quick version of scores since you're retesting right away. The only thing I don't like about the Machina deck is 2 of each Gadget instead of 3, but it's really a personal choice.
Game 1, 2, 3:Not many mistakes here, beyond when you summoned Cyber Dragon, the Xyz'd into a Wind-Up Zenmaines. You immediately turned them into Chimeratech before I could steal them from you at least.
Single:This game didn't go so well, you ended up summoning a Green Gadget when you had your second Red Gadget in hand, rendering you searchless and without the 8 levels in hand you needed to revive Machina Fortress. The game was short after that.
From this test you would end up staying in
Ra Yellow. Good luck on your next test.