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 Ruels and Information for Replays

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Team : Dreamstate

Posts : 1559

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 32-0-5

YGOPro Name : Sabbaticus

Team Wars Silver
Order of Chaos
Weekly Bash Gold
3rd Division

Ruels and Information for Replays Empty
PostSubject: Ruels and Information for Replays   Ruels and Information for Replays Icon_m11Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:46 pm
So in this section I encourage everyone to showcase their epic moments. Not everyone has the know-how to upload duels from YGOPro to YouTube and because of that you can upload .yrp files straight from the game and show them off to the community.

Here are some of the few ways you can upload your replays...

1. Go to www.sendspace.com or any similar file upload site, upload the replays, create a new thread and paste the link they give there.

2. Select your replays and right click, select 'Send to' and choose 'Compressed (zipped) folder'. Create a new thread, look below the message box for 'Attach file', click 'Browse...' and select your newly zipped replays. When you've done that click the 'Send' button next to the 'Browse...' button to upload the file. You can then add a comment if you like and post what you need for the thread and hit 'Send' when you're done. Please only use this option for replays, it will only allow 5Kb total which means only reply files can be uploaded with this method.

I would recommend attaching screenshots of your replay to get attention and show what the duel was all about. This will help make your thread more interesting and descriptive.

You should also give a description in your thread about the replay and anything else you would like to include.

If you do have videos on youtube or any other video site you can use the Videos section found in the Auditorium instead.

Ruels and Information for Replays

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