Welcome, we are the Brotherhood of the Light. A group of duelists, who strive to achieve perfection in all things we do, be it duelling, deck building, art or even washing the dishes. The harder one tries to achieve perfection in things, the more they learn, here at the Brotherhood we value three things above all, Courage, Wisdom, and Creativity. It is these three things which we strive to perfect in ourselves.
Here at the Brotherhood, we also learn respect, this is something that must be shown not only to those inside of the Brotherhood, but those you may meet or know outside of it.
The Brotherhood accepts all, as long as they show a major in the Brotherhood their ability when duelling. After this duel, our newest brother will be placed in one of three houses, these houses are;
Leo the house of Courage
Noctuam the house of Wisdom
Fenix the house of Creation.
These 3 houses represent the quality most prominent in it's members.
To remain one of the Brotherhood, you must:
1. Remain Active (anything more than 1 week is considered inactive, if a break is necessary inform a Major).
2. Respect your fellow brothers and all other duelists (unless they cheat, or are giving you grief).
3. No cyber-bullying inside of the Brotherhood.
4. Take pride in your wins, but do not boast... Perfection is not easily achieved.
5. Strive towards perfection in everything you do.
The Brotherhoods Majors are as follows:
Magister Lumine (NimbleSloth):
The Magister Lumine is the highest in order of the Brotherhood, he is the leader and the founder of the Brotherhood. The Magister oversees all decisions of importance within the Brotherhood (Be it wars, initiations of new members, important duels, or requests for a place as a Major)
Praefectus Lumine (NimbleSloth):
The Praefectus Lumine is the person who is responsible for organisation of wars and important duels within the Brotherhood.
Maiors ex Lumine (NimbleSloth/Leykippus):
The Maior ex Lumine is the person responsible for informing the Brotherhood of important news, and informs the Brotherhood of other interests in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Community.
Artifex de Lumine (White Rose Dragun):
The Artifex de Lumine is the person who is responsible for the artwork for the Brotherhood. The Artifex is responsible for all of those who work on representing our Brotherhood through the medium of art.
So please feel free to join, those who wish to join must me duel me, the Magister Lumine.