Match Duel #1: Blackwing vs Worm - 2:1
5/10 points
Deck Construction: 16/20 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Notes: Main deck needs a little bit more work. It misses the cruical trap (Nebula) , also since you run ananta version you could put in card troopers and call of the haunted's..You should put them instead of upstarts , worm call , oshaleon , -1 victory.
Duel 1:
No missplays. You couldn't do much in this duel because your hand wasn't so good and mine was perfect.
Duel 2:
Turn 3 : Should've used mst before you summoned king of the feral imps , you did it the other way instead ( risky ).
Turn 5 : You would win on this turn if you summoned ananta , but for some reason you didnt and you gave me one turn for comeback. Lucky for you i didnt draw anything special so this duel was yours.
Duel 3:
You set "Cartaros" while i had face up rai-oh , would be better if you set'ed Yagan instead.
Match Duel #2: Thunder vs Monster Mash - 2:0
0/10 points
Deck Construction: 15/20 points
Performance: 14/20 points
Notes : For main deck i would take out 2x Turbo booster , 1x Darksea Rescue , 1x Maxx C , -1 spore , -2 Kuro Kuro , and add 2x Tragoedia , Gorz , 2x Caius , +1 Ryko , +1 fader. In your extra deck you dont have ANY Xyz's.. Definetly would find space for "Slacker Magician" and others ( Zenmaines / Gachi )
Duel 1:
You went all out on turn 7 , luckly for me i had gorz to "protect" myself. After that i cleared your field and you used fader.Turn later you summoned Mist wurm and returned my Gorz to my hand , i had clean field and you still attacked me directly even thought you knew i had gorz and you had nothing to defend yourself.Turn after that i won the duel.
Duel 2:
Turn 3 : I had 1 Facedown , Flashing carat and Prism equipped to it. You summoned Junk Destroyer and targeted my prism .. You should've picked my facedown instead because i cant protect it with my Flashing Carat's Effect.After that you attacked my flashing carat with your junk destroyer while i had Prism equipped to my monster = my attack raised +1000 and your junk destroyer died. After that you couldn't make a comeback and i won.
Duel 3 :
Total 66/105
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 71/105
You will be staying in Slifer Red Dorm.