Match Duel: Machina Gadget vs. Tele-DAD
Single Duel: Chaos Agent vs. Genex Monarchs
Match: 0/30 points
Single: 0/10 points
Match Deck Construction: 6/10 points
Match Performance: 11/20 points
Match Notes:Your Extra Deck is missing some Level 4 and 3 staples whilst you run cards you can’t summon, such as Evolsar Solda and MagiMagi Magician Girl. The main deck is pretty standard but has some questionable techs such as Reasoning and Level Warrior. Why don’t you main Dark Hole? Judging by your replays you don’t seem to have a side deck.
Game 1 - Chaining Torrential to my Yellow Gadget’s effect whilst you had Armageddon Knight was a bad move since it cost you two cards whilst I lost nothing. After using DDraw on Dasher you could have summoned Dark Armed Dragon. If you were unsure as to what my backrow card was, you had Stratos as bait. Because of your next move, DaD remained dead the whole game. Summoning Gorz with Dasher caused you to miss out on the Token. Against an opponent who thrives off of card advantage, that Token would have helped wear me down. Setting Morphing Jar then Special Summoning Grepher was the nail in the coffin here since you triggered my Torrential and lost your chance to even out the card advantage.
Game 2 – Turn 3 you had the tools to take down my face-down and Rai-oh and then have field advantage with Caius. Apart from that, no notable misplays.
Replays: Game 1 - 2 - Deck Construction: 5/10 points
Single Performance: 10/20 points
Single Notes:Continuous Spells and Traps are a big no no in Frog Monarchs and you happen to use 6 of them. You use Granmarg and Zaborg as opposed to using max Raiza and Tragoedia/Battle Fader; these are staple in Frog and Genex Monarchs. There isn’t enough grave manipulation in your deck for DaD. Negate Attack and Changing Destiny are two random traps which would be better off removed for more optimal cards.
Whilst the single was short it would have been longer if you hadn’t used Genex Solid’s effect. Using Caius on Tragoedia would have been better than leaving yourself wide open, relying on Wall of Revealing Light to protect you.
Replay: Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 1/2
Grand Total: 36/100
You will be going to the
Slifer Red dorm. Good luck on your next test.