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 Retest Results : DarkAngel

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Team : Tricksters

Posts : 479

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 29-0-24

YGOPro Name : Katana

Weekly Bash Silver
Retest Results : DarkAngel 2ntv8so
1st Division

Retest Results : DarkAngel Empty
PostSubject: Retest Results : DarkAngel   Retest Results : DarkAngel Icon_m11Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:57 pm
Match 1

Hunder vs Fire King 2:1 5/10 points

Performance: 16/20 points

Duel 1: Turn 1 you normal summon Barong and end. I start off searching and getting my set-up. Next turn you start off by trying to bail off my traps by summoning Flamvell Firedog. Very Nice. You also was able to trigger Barong and get rid of my other backrow. Didn’t overextend either. You should've chained compulse to Omega's effect Turn 4. Would have got rid of my beatstick, and I would have to use more cards to overlay into another Omega to get over your Firedog. The grind match continued. Not really much in error but in Turn 7 I would have just used Rekindling before setting Garunix. You had the correct read for Torrential, unfortunately I had reborn and that sealed the game for me.

Duel 2: For some reason I guess Game 2 wasn't saved but you peformed well that game. You took it easily as I was losing card advantage and you were bailing out the few traps I had. The explosive traps helped you, while it hindered me gg.

Duel 3: Sided in 2 Maxx "C", and Imperial Iron Wall g3 for Fissure 1st turn I go stardust and set 1 backrow along with prism. You set 1 card and pass. The you go into Flashing Karat. Oh jeez the stall game lol. After a few turns of me just attacking your Karat with my Karat we went more into the game. I used Duality and used Mahunder's effect to summon TKR. It was bad to respond Mahunder's effect with Maxx C as I already couldn't special summon that turn. After the Dark Hole, Starlight pretty much sealed the duel for me. gg

Deck: 15/20 points

For the most part your deck your deck build looks pretty nice for the main deck. I would work on side deck choices, because for the most part it was sub-par. If don't have any, you should add veiler for Side deck. Also, where are your msts? I think you should add mst in the deck, as you were losing heavily to my backrow throughout the game.

I would :

- Shark Drake, Vylon Disigma, for Gagaga Cowboy and Dire Wolf. Also, I would - Number 106 for Crimson Blader. Also, Bujin Emperor - Kagutsuchi is debatable. You have maestroke which is better than Emperor already, effect wise in your deck.

Match 2

Overdrive Psychics vs Ninjas 2:0 0/10 points

Performance: 14/20 points

Duel 1: Blind msting 1st turn on set 2 backrow, when you didn't need to even go off on a big play was bad. Not only this but you ended up not getting lucky and hitting compulse which would have did nothing to the hanzo play, and I negated it's summon. No search for you. A couple of turns of set-up and we go back into play again. You tried to use Ninja art, but torrential got you there. The Crimson shadow dark hole play was nice. I had reborn and mislicked on a move so it gave you another turn. You didn't top what you needed so I won. gg

Duel 2: Sided Jowgen. You set 3 cards and pass. I go wizard and swing, and you use compulse. Turn 4 you attacked with Flame ninja and I used MF. Don't know why you used Safe-zone. It would have been better to try and protect jowgen when you flipped it M2. I attack again, and you use compulse again to protect jowgen. You tribute jowgen and your Flame ninja for White Dragon ninja, and set 1 backrow. We didn't exactly finish the duel, but I had 5 viable cards while you had 1. Even with a couple of perfect topdecks, I had SJ and 2 more msts coming my way, so I declared a win on my part. You were losing Card advantage fast with the chainables and the tribute summons.

Duel 3: N/A

Deck: 13/20 points

The deck seemed a bit slow, and there wasn't any notable summoned monsters that were hard to get over except Crimson the whole match for the most part. You tried to get in 1 transformation but it didn't quite work out. I feel as though you need something to give the deck more stand-off power. Maybe make it a bit more trap heavy, or try something like the rank 4 ninja build (with up Upstart Golden Ninja). You don't need Art of Rust mist in the main deck. That should be sided, and you should trade off for more staples like Dimensional Prison, Mirror Force Safe Zone with White Dragon Ninja is nice, if that was a key play in the deck. I would work on getting out Hanzo a bit faster and pulling off Transformation. Making it more trap heavy, and adding cards like COTH would help you abuse Hanzo and the ninjas more.

I would

- Wind-Up Aresnal Zenmaioh, Vylon Disigma, Comics Hero, 1 Blade Armor Ninja (even with a ninja deck, you don't need it at 3. In the game at most you will only play 2, and you have other good XYZ to play into for other situations).

+ Tiras, + Gagaga Cowboy, + Direwolf, Utopia, and possibly Gaia Dragon since you are running Volcasaurus or Blackship of Corn. Jowgen was an "OK" side because I can still play without special summoning, but I don't recommend siding it for this deck and for testing. Jowgen is mainly for the current meta-game. My deck wasn't completely SS reliant.

- Art of Rust, Sazank is a good card, but its a debatable tech in this deck, so I would - that as well.

+ Mirror Force, Call of the Haunted, or any other staple such as Dimensional Prison.

Total: 63/100


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 68/100

You shall be going back to Slifer Red Dorm. I'm sure if you fix up your decks a bit, and have some better side decking choices, you will definitely get back to Ra Yellow, and more. Good luck on any future tests!



Team : Dreamstate

Posts : 1559

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 32-0-5

YGOPro Name : Sabbaticus

Team Wars Silver
Order of Chaos
Weekly Bash Gold
3rd Division

Retest Results : DarkAngel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retest Results : DarkAngel   Retest Results : DarkAngel Icon_m11Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:29 am
Tester DP Awarded, Member DP Deducted, Dorm Reassigned & Thread Locked!

Retest Results : DarkAngel

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