Match Duel #1: Blackwing vs Gadget Geargie - 2:0
0/10 points
Deck Construction: 16/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points
Notes: Main deck has 42 cards , i would take out 1 MST and 1 Iron call to make it 40. For extra deck i would replace 1x Fairy King Albverdich for Photon Papilloperative ,
Duel 1:
At your first turn you summoned redox ( removed Accelerator for basically nothing) , you should've saved accelerator for later..
TUrn 7 : You summoned cowboy to destroy gorz , you succed and just ended turn.. You shouldve summoned Redox to protect yourself , because you didnt i drew blizzard and won the duel ( if you summoned redox to protect yourself i wouldn't be able to do this).
Duel 2: Sided in LIM's.
You started off with shock master which slowed me down.. But when i summoned shura , had kalut in hand + 3 facedowns you used effect of shock master and called SPELLS , after that deadly mistake you couldn't do much in this duel.
Duel 3:
Match Duel #2: Thunder vs Piper Relinquished - 2:0
0/10 points
Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points
Notes : Main deck looks good , i like Emergecy Provisions
. For extra deck you could find space for some rank4 (1x utopia at least instead of 1x Leviair) , also maybe +1 Arcanite magician ( Veiler + Chaos Sorcerer ).
Duel 1:
No missplays. I controlled most of this duel untill you sumoned bls and put me in a very hard situation , lucky for me i had Dark hole and won the duel after i dark hole'd the field.
Duel 2:
Turn 4 : You had 7 cards in hand and ended turn = lost a veiler by discarding it for nothing. Should've set one Black Ilusion Ritual and save that veiler ( Veiler is very effective against thunders)
Duel 3 :
Total 64/105
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 69/105
You will be moving to
Slifer Red Dorm.