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 Retest Results : Yubel

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Team : Tricksters

Posts : 479

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 29-0-24

YGOPro Name : Katana

Weekly Bash Silver
Retest Results : Yubel 2ntv8so
1st Division

Retest Results : Yubel Empty
PostSubject: Retest Results : Yubel   Retest Results : Yubel Icon_m11Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:18 pm
Match 1

Chaos Agents vs Madolch 1:2 8/10 points

Performance: 18/20 points

Duel 1: You 1st go into Majoleine and set 3 backrow along with Chateau. You ram yourself into honest and re-summon with no search. You were going for a trag play when I mstd your attack losing your cajoling again, but I also had vayu back-up. You had mirror force for TKR and got rid of TGU play with torrential. You had many options and I was losing card advantage. Shortly you took the game with the SJ you set turn 1. Gg no misplays.

Duel 2: Duel 2 was close and intense. We kept grinding each other over with the spells and traps we had. You didn’t have much traps to play into and my dust tornados and msts, got rid of any hurtful backrow. COTH + Hyperion would end the game. No misplays. Sided Maxx C and Light Imprisoning mirror.

Duel 3: Got rid of monsters again with Chateau. You tried searching with the Mill play but I COTH TKRd, the play. You still got over my monsters with Mill and Messengelato. Turn 9 your Tiaramisu helped seal the game as I had nothing to get rid of it when summoned. Even if you had Chateau it wasn’t really necessary to go into Zenmaines. Just attack directly with your monsters. You allowed my tem tempo to get a boost, even though you just bombed again and took the game. gg

Deck: 18/20 points

Deck looks great. I would - the Blade Armor Ninja, for Gagaga Cowboy to end games easier. Gagaga Cowboy I think will put in more work than Blade Armor. Also, since you only have 2 warrior lv 4 in ur deck (2 messengelato) it’s a harder to just pull the XYZ off vs. cowboy.

Match 2

Zombies vs Worms 1:2 10/10 points

I just want to say curse you for using worms xD.

Performance: 17/20 points

Duel 1: You set 2 Cartaros, and I get rid of 1 with Caius. Looks like I got the hard read on you using worms xD. I attacked, and you used mst on the declaration. Don’t know why you did that though. Should’ve just saved it, but you did…hit a card that would hinder a play of yours so you were lucky on that part. We kept grinding, and eventually the heavy and then going into mist wurm turned the tables again. Your mirror force and top TKR changed the tables again lol. More draw and go. Turn 29 and I BTH your last worm king play. 32 turns before I ended game 1. Intense..

Duel 2: Turn 5: Blind mst, was punished by another blind mst. You should’ve set it. Sided Shadow Mirrors.

Duel 3: You could’ve ended the game turn 7 and a lot sooner. If my DAD and other plays went off, it would have been trouble. Turn 9: you should’ve used Worm King effect to pop my fd, then attack.

Deck: 18/20 points

2 Starlight and 1 SDD is debatable. I would - the Heliopolis and add Dire Wolf to get rid of traps like decree. Other than that, the deck was fine for the most part.

Total: 89/100


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 94/100

Congratulations, you have been promoted to Obelisk Blue Dorm!


Posts : 747

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-2

Duel Career : 41-0-51

YGOPro Name : Yubel

Weekly Bash Gold
Retest Results : Yubel 2ntv8so
1st Division

Retest Results : Yubel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retest Results : Yubel   Retest Results : Yubel Icon_m11Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:57 pm
Thanks for the test Tais and giving improvements.

I thought it would take me years, but I did it Headbang



Team : Dreamstate

Posts : 1559

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 32-0-5

YGOPro Name : Sabbaticus

Team Wars Silver
Order of Chaos
Weekly Bash Gold
3rd Division

Retest Results : Yubel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retest Results : Yubel   Retest Results : Yubel Icon_m11Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:57 pm
Tester DP Awarded, Member DP Deducted, Dorm Reassigned & Thread Locked!
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Retest Results : Yubel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Retest Results : Yubel   Retest Results : Yubel Icon_m11

Retest Results : Yubel

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