Match Duel #1: Thunder vs Gishki - 2:0
0/10 points
Deck Construction: 10/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points
Notes: Typical Zeal build , because it is too otk'ish i have to cut points ..( still better than 0 ;/ )
Duel 1 : No missplays. I simply out-played you.
Duel 2: Sided in Gozen's vs thunder..? doesn't make any sense at all..
Turn 3 : Activated Zeal's effect even thought his eff was already negated by my Photon Paradios ( you lost 1k lp for nothing ).
Duel 3:
Match Duel #2: Blackwing vs Oldschool Zombies - 2:0
0/10 points
Deck Construction: 10/20 points
Performance: 14/20 points
Notes : Extra deck has 11 cards. Main deck looks just like the Zomebie Starter deck from yo3 = It needs alot of work and many un-needed cards.
Duel 1:
Nothing you could do.
Duel 2:
Nothing you could do.
Duel 3 :
Total 49/105
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 54/105
You will be moving to Slifer Red Dorm.