Match 1Prophecy vs. Chaos Plant 2:0 - 0/10 points
Performance: 6/20 points
Duel 1: Going all out after I activated Maxx "C" was probably an error. You could afford waiting another turn there instead of letting me draw all those cards. Also, it would be better to bait my Fate by using Sorcerer's effect and that way you keep the mind control in hand.
Duel 2: Going for a big summon first turn without backup was risky - it just let me attack your big monster with spellbook of power. The snowman on the next turn was better - I used power thinking it's ryko and it cost me 2 cards. The major mistake was on turn 7 - you activated sorcerer when I only had a face down monster - forcing you to banish your own sorcerer; too bad - better check the effect before using it. You could have still possibly win this game as I was drawing only monsters - but you had to leave then.
Deck: 12/20 points
You rely on the plant engine with the Ebony/Ivory dragons and the synchrons as tuners. For sure I would add the double Debris Dragons here - card is too good to overlook in any deck that has Dandy and Troopers. Also, consider Level Eater - it works very nicely in such decks. For spells I find you're missing Foolish Burial - it's always a good card for these deck themes.
On the extra deck - I'm not sure why you have the Dragosack - you won't have too many chances to summon it - better replace it with a useful synchro monster.
You sided in Snowmen which were nice and 1 Iron Wall which is good vs. prophecy but might hurt your own strategy as well. You should have kept the MSTs in though - they're a good weapon vs. the spellbook tower; or just hitting Fate in the end phase.
Replays: 2 Fire Fist vs. Geargia 2:0 - 0/0 points
Performance: 11/20
Duel 1: Unfortunately you've started without any traps; might have been more cautious to not attack with Genex Neutron so you'd at least get a search on the end phase. As it were it left your field open and you surrendered without waiting to see the next draw.
Duel 2: On turn 3 - I dropped Maxx "C" immediately and you again played into it with 2 special summons - you should just have placed a monster in defence and end the turn. On turn 7 you completely went all out vs. Maxx "C" - and ran into mirror force. Guess you didn't have too many options but still a bit reckless.
Deck: 15/20
You've got a nice build for the Geargia with some Karakuri techs and T.G. Striker as well. The extra deck should be modified - here you can definitely use Big Eye and Dragosack and I would also recommend adding a Stardust Dragon. You can possibly drop some of the other XYZ for them.
You didn't side deck at all - I would recommend to work on creating a versatile side deck in order to be ready for any possible match ups.
Replays: 44/100
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 49/100
You'll be joining the Slifer Red dorm. Try working on your decision making during duels - it only comes from experience - so keep practicing.