So, I'm trying to get ready for the UK and Irish Dueling Series Finals in Bristol next month, and I need some help getting my deck ready. This is what I've got so far, if anyone could suggest ways to improve it, that'd be really helpful.
Evilswarm Castor x3
Evilswarm Kerykeion x3
Evilswarm Mandragora x3
Evilswarm Thunderbird x3
Evilswarm Hraesvelg x2
Effect Veiler x2
Thunder King Rai-Oh x1
Infestation Pandemic x3
Forbidden Dress x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Dark Hole
Book of Moon
Reinforcements of the Army
Bottomless Trap Hole
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Eradicator Epidemic Virus
Torrential Tribute
Solemn Warning
Safe Zone x1
XYZ Reborn x1
Dimensional Prison x2
Breakthrough Skill x2
Infestation Infection x1
Extra Deck:
Evilswarm Ophion x3
Evilswarm Bahamut x1
Evilswarm Nightmare OR Daigusto Emeral (still undecided which to use)
Evilswarm Ouroboros x1
Vylon Disigma x1
Number 66: Master Key Beetle x1
Photon Papilloperative x1
Diamond Dire Wolf x1
Gagaga Cowboy x1
abyss Dweller x1
Gem-Knight Pearl x1
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn x1
Ally of Justice Catastor x1
Side Deck:
Maxx "C" x2
Flying "C" x2
Overworked x3
Dimensional Fissure
Macro Cosmos
Soul Drain
Mind Drain x2
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x2