Won 2-0 vs simetem six samurai vs constellar a fair last match, gg! last duel simetem has dced unfortenly but i showed the position that i was in.
Here is the replay for the match against chaos:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/5dw4o2Replays against Simetem: http://www.sendspace.com/file/q917gd
http://www.sendspace.com/file/13uxu3good war guys! sooooo close... we are both small teams for now but the future might hold different. was nice meeting you through this war! i;m glad most of us played fair decks and sticked to the none-meta rule!
and for my guys - can't believe we did it what happinnes xd i didn't let matt down.
btw, when you guys make a war, spesific say which decks are you banning and which ocg\tcg or both, and if both, ban future broken decks!