Match 1Bujin vs. Evilswarm 0:2 - 10/10 points
Performance: 17/20 points
Duel 1: A very intense duel. You negotiated pretty well around my initial field. There were a lot of 1:1 exchanges, though eventually I did manage to make you lose all resources. I thought I was well in control - but then with zero hand and field you topped Rabbit. Well, guess it was your lucky day. After that I couldn't draw into my Tenki or Bear for 3 turns - and you got the win. GG
Duel 2: I started with a so-so hand but I thought Colosseum and book of moon would be a good defense. To continue your lucky day - you blind MSTd my book of moon + another MST on Colosseum + Rabbit. Well, from there I just didn't get anything that could beat Ophion + 4 back row.
In general you've played well in this match. The most significant questionable play that I spotted was when you've wasted all your cards in duel 1 vs my grave effects. You only escaped that with that major major top deck of rabbit.
Deck: 18/20
A solid Evilswarm build. Mained Veilers are good in this format and the upstarts are a nice way to thin the deck. Black-Horn is another card which is very useful these days.
Your side deck choices with D-Fissure, Soul Drain and LIMs were a good choice and what I expected to see for this match up.
Match 2Chronomaly vs. Harpies 1:1 - 6/10 points (Tie match)
Performance: 18/20
Duel 1: You've started with Monk throwing sign - even though I had veiler - it's still getting a big plus on the end phase. My hand was pretty stuck - and you also had warning when I summoned Tiras; that basically sealed it. Fast & easy win for you.
Duel 2: This time you had a pretty bad hand. I've managed to swing in some direct attacks with disk. You played the survival game pretty nicely with Encore and some traps that managed to get rid of my monsters; though you only had Maestroke for protection. Eventually I had more resources to make the power-play for the win.
Duel 3: The duel started slowly - you got the advantage via the magical hats for sign's effect. But you had a hand full of monsters, and I had veiler to negate your channeler. After a few turns again you had the Maestroke. I had a couple of traps ready there and another veiler. Too bad that at this point the connection was lost. I gave you the choice to take a draw match or replay the 3rd - and you opted for the draw.
Again, you've played well - I didn't notice any obvious big mistake. I won't fault you for that one obvious misclick error.
Deck: 16/20
You've played a sort of "turbo" Harpie engine - with 3 upstards and the monks. The 3 Hysteric Party might be a bit too much; I think 3rd Icarus or some other utility trap in place of 1 party might give a better balance. I guess that now and then you might have really bad hands with this (as happened in duel 2) but all in all seems like a good deck.
For side deck, you probably weren't that ready for Chronomaly. The XYZ Encore is OK - though with Chronomaly it's easy to re-XYZ the summoned materials. The Maxx "C" you added in the 3rd duel were the better choice.
Total: 85/100
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 90/100
Congratulations! You've made it into Obelisk dorm. Hope you enjoy your new room.