Match 1X-Saber vs. Worms 0:2 - 10/10 points
Performance: 16/20 points
It's clear you have a good knowledge of how to use the deck. And got some nice luck drawing key cards to counter my own at each turn - especially the SLR vs. the dark hole that would give me a major advantage.
Also, your choice of deck turned out to be very problematic for my deck - so you had a nice advantage there. (Especially first hand TKR - that's a killer)
And to the match itself:
In the first duel - I think it was a mistake letting the attack of catastor pass - that cost you both the pachy and stardust - if you'd have used mirror force you could finish me a lot faster.
In the second duel you've played very well - I liked how you summoned TKR but didn't attack till the next turn when solemn judgment was ready. (Also, nice hit on my Solemn with MST)
And again - the TKR completely killed my deck. Then after I cleared the field you had the reborn to seal the game. Nicely done.
Your side decking vs. my deck was the double Maxx "C" which is a solid choice.
Deck: 18/20 points
You have a good solid Worm deck with an anti-meta flavor. The build looks pretty stable and has all the usual key cards that we expect to see in such a deck.
Replays: 2 Blackwing vs. Trap Monster Deck 2:1 - 3/10 points
Performance: 12/20
You've played a good match with the deck. You've had the occasional small mistake here and there; and sometimes were a bit too hesitant about going for big plays. Can't fault you for that too much - playing conservatively is usually a good quality, but you need to "feel" when it's possible to go for the big move. That will come with experience.
In the first duel (as usually happens to me lately) I was drawing almost only monsters - and your Tsukuyomi along with the big trap line up and imperial custom trolled me into oblivion.
In the second duel I got some of my sided cards early on - and I pressed the card advantage to slowly take away your life points. You had a couple of mistakes during this duel - the most significant is letting me activate volcanic queen's effect and chaining the ancient organism to it instead of activating it during the draw phase.
In the third duel you started with a major back row - but had to use TT then Solemn to stop my summons. I can't fault you for that has you had no way to protect or yourself otherwise. This opened the door for my DAD to clear everything up.
Deck: 13/20
Interesting choice of a deck for a test - it's not something that we usually encounter.
This deck can surprise the opponent during the 1st duel - but its inconsistencies surface during the 2nd and 3rd duel as it is highly susceptible to MSTs and S/T removal in general.
Your side deck is mainly built to counter the potential Decrees etc. that the opponent may add which is what's expected in this deck. The other side cards are the volcanics though in the case of this match they kind of lost their burn potential when you played them along organism. (They still did the job of clearing potential attacking monsters)
Attitude: +2 - You showed good sportsmanship and was quite talkative during the matches. (I'm not the type to talk back though - lol)
Different decks: +3
Total points scored: 77/100
Congratulations - you will be placed in the Ra Yellow dorms.