Match Duel #1: Sylvan vs Hunder
10/10 points
Deck Construction: 19/20 points
Performance: 18/20 points
Solid, yet very predictable Hunder deck. Nothing much I can say about it.
Duel 1:
Heavy Storm is gone, but I still wouldn't set a Dark Hole.
Unbelievable mills from my part, but you didn't make any mistakes.
Duel 2:
Sided in 2 Debunk, Soul Drain, D.D. Crow. Nice sides.
Omega is fine, but a Synchro would've been a better choice since you had Prism.
Match Duel #2: Gravekeeper vs Beast Stun
Deck Construction: 17/20 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Again, solid build. Well thought out, though I prefer cards like Horn or other traps over Tenken and Tensen.
You would've gotten more points if it wasn't an Anti-Meta deck. All I saw was one monster protected by 4+ backrow: we want to see more diversity in your plays.
Game 1:
Set 5 backrow and then Rescue Rabbit (lol), great hand, but no major misplays.
Let me destroy Tiger King even though you had Compulsory, maybe you thought you could chain Tenken: that's only for Main Phase 1.
Used Compulsory to bounce your Barbaros, why not my Descendant instead?
Game 2:
No sides: Shadow-Mirror would've shut the deck down.
No major misplays.
Game 3:
A single Maxx C isn't a useful side.
Desperate play with Raioh and double Lance.
Different Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
Total: 88/105
You are in the Ra Yellow Dorm.
Tester DP and 100 DP for re-test transferred.