Hey King,
Nice to see a fellow Infernoid player (I played it extensively for a while).
Like you, I did test with 3 Void Dream and 3 Frozen Void but it really doesn't work that well; it's one of those cards that seem amazing on paper but can be played around too easily.
-1 Shaitan
+ 1 Raiden
- 3 Void Dream, 3 Frozen Void, (I would even consider dropping Void Seer; max 2)
+ 1 Charge (2 Raiden + 2 Charge is ok since we want milling anyway)
+ 1 Monster Gate, 3 Reasoning (A must!)
+ One for one; great synergy with Dekatron
- 2 Void Launch (again we don't want this to be a slow/control deck and it really isn't that great)
+ 1 Ring of Destruction
+ 3 Mistake (amazing card this format, it doesn't hurt us but hurts most meta decks)
+ 2/3 Galaxy Cyclone
It is a bit of a different variant to the Void Dream but it does work much better.