The replay of the first game of the second match could not be found. Must contact slifer red to try to get the replay.
Match 1: Blackwing VS. Agent
Match Score: 5/10
Performance: 9/20
Deck Construction: 10/20
Game 1:
-Chose call of the Haunted over Honest with duality even though you had nothing worth special summoning from the grave.
-Could've set drawn shine ball instead of Orange Light so that you may summon Hyperion after potential discard.
-Couldn't draw any part of your engine
Game 2:
-Chose Hyperion over card trooper at opening when you had a monster reborn as well.
-Did not play pot of duality when you weren't special summoning
Game 3:
-Didn't overlay with shura and rai-oh taken by leviair and mind control
-Panicked. Were able to call sangan, and tribute summon Hyperion while getting a search. Instead you Dark Hole'd the stolen shura and my rai-oh, called sangan, and normal summoned Honest. Huge misplay there. You should've waited and thought for a moment, you weren't being rushed.
Match 2: T.G. Stun vs. Agents
Match Score: 5/10
Deck Construction: 10/20
Game 1:
-replay could not be found
Game 2:
-Could've kept MST in hand, and kept Gorz live.
Game 3:
-Wasted Call of the Haunted to take 300 less life points
-Rai-oh stopped Earth from searching, and drew no defensive traps
-DO NOT main deck Electric Virus. I don't know if you expected to face machines, or if you were paranoid about a machine matchup, but you never know what you will face.
-Besides solemn Warning and Call of the Haunted you only run single copies of traps
-You should try to fit in a third Venus, as you use 3 shine Ball and 3 Hyperion
-Side decking is crucial. You should learn to make and use it. Sided cards can determine the outcomes of games.
Different Decks: 0/3
Attitude: 2/2
Total: 24 + 15 + (undetermined) + 2
Replays: sent to red slifer to determine if he has the missing replay in his possesion.