MATCH: 10/30
Deck Hostile: Sabers
Deck challa: Wind-Ups
Match deck construction: 9/10
Match Performance: 19/20
SINGLE: 0/10
Deck Hostile: Salvo Swarm
Deck challa: Naturia Variant
Single deck construction: 7/10
Single duel performance: 14/20
TOTAL: 59/100
Different decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
64/100 ----->
RA dorm
REMARKS: You play good...uhm no...i mean AWESOME!!!!
Ok, 10 points for the match and 0 for the single...Does that makes you a Slifer in your position???
Hell no!!! Both decks were outstanding just like your moves...This is actually the first time i was so excited
and it takes a lot untill Hosty gets excited challa!!!
Others can question all they want but when i say you are RA worthy, then you are RA worthy for God's sake...
The line between a Slifer and a RA isnt so big as the difference between RA and Obelisk imo but with a bit more
outsmarting play you should manage to become an Obelisk soon!
Congrats and keep surprising me!