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 Test Results: StyleGame

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Team : Dreamstate

Posts : 335

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 16-0-4

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Gold
1st Division

Test Results: StyleGame Empty
PostSubject: Test Results: StyleGame   Test Results: StyleGame Icon_m11Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:06 pm
Match 1

X-Sabres vs. T.G. Chaos Agents 2:0 0/10 points

Performance: 15/20 points

Duel 1: You've played well enough with the cards you had in hand; after you heavy stormed the field you went for a nice swarming play with Venus and Leviair but your hand was just too clogged with normal summon monsters and you didn't have any traps to set. On my next turn I top decked into a 2nd Faultroll and performed the infamous X-Saber hand loop plus I got a counter swarm which you couldn't come back from.

Duel 2: This was really a good duel. You've used your traps wisely to destroy my swarms and your night beams just killed my back row. At the end it turned into a top decking battle - with me destroying it and you re-summoning it every time with the Valhalla spell. This where unfortunately you've failed to read the card text of Fulhelmknight, you were working on the assumption that its attack blocking effect is once per turn - when in fact you could have won if you've attacked with Kristya and then next turn I wouldn't be able to block. This led to me drawing the dark hole and reborn to take the game.

Deck: 17/20 points

You have a pretty good deck. The Dark Resonator seems a bit random in there - you'd probably find Genex Ally Birdman a far better replacement or you can add another T.G. Monster instead. Other than that the deck ratios and line up are good.
Your side decking was also good with Veilers, Maxx "C" and the Valhallas & Kristyas; the Night Beams were also very effective. However I'd definitely not take out the Thunder Kings - they're really a problem for X-Sabers stopping the Dark Soul searches and the Synchro summons.

Replays: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/90837170/StyleGame%20-%20Test%20Match%201.zip

Match 2

Zombies vs. Chaos Plants 2:0 - 0/10 points

Performance: 12/20 points

Duel 1: After some draw & go turns I finally attacked ryko with my goblin zombie - you've opted to destroy my face down monster which happened to be another goblin instead of my set BTH; I think that once you saw my Goblin you should have targeted the trap considering the other monster was also likely to be a floater - it cost you next turn when I bottomlessed your BLS. Your play with the armory arm was a bit strange; you've attached it to Dandy just to attack the Goblin with it - it would probably be better to just leave it as a monster. The next turn I had heavy storm and took the advantage with a creature swap and Pyramid attacking Pyramid. After that you could only get Scrap Dragon but I had a 2nd Creature swap to take it as well.

Duel 2: On turn 5 you went all out and basically used up all of your resources - especially normal summoning Debris Dragon without a target in grave; you've also used Reborn on the same turn. You've ended the turn with BRD and SDD attacking. All I had to do was summon Gaia on my turn to kill SDD. You correctly went for a Catastor summon on the next turn but I had the warning. Your veiler wasn't enough to stop me on the following turn as I had book of life along with Zombie World to get DoomKaiser and summon your SDD from the grave. You've surrendered after that play.

To summarize this match - you had some good combination of cards in both duels but it seems you didn't manage your resources well enough and somehow ended up at a disadvantage.

Deck: 13/20 points

You have an OK deck here - I kind of think Pot of Duality is a problem with such a deck though as you rely almost only on Special summons. Also, you're a little low on "boss monsters"; you should definitely add Gorz here and even 1 or 2 Caiuses as you should have enough tribute fodder floating around. The problem with these decks is always the low trap count so even if you manage to summon a lot you find yourself without enough back row protection to back it up; so try playing around with it, fitting some more traps in.
There was no side deck used here - I always encourage our players to build and use a versatile side deck to compensate for your weaknesses vs. other decks.

Replays: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/90837170/StyleGame%20-%20Test%20Match%202.zip

Total: 57/100


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 62/100

You were just short of the 63 points mark - you'll be assigned to the Slifer Red dorms.
I see you have very good potential - so with some practice and a little more attention to small details you'll do better on your next test.


Posts : 3

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 0-0-1

Test Results: StyleGame 2ntv8so
Test Results: StyleGame 2ntv8so
1st Division

Test Results: StyleGame Empty
PostSubject: Re: Test Results: StyleGame   Test Results: StyleGame Icon_m11Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:31 am
thx yes have not played much plants lately an to be honest, i chose rong deck, i didnt side because that version didnt have a side i have 4 diff plant decks build


Posts : 421

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 19-0-2

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Bronze
1st Division

Test Results: StyleGame Empty
PostSubject: Re: Test Results: StyleGame   Test Results: StyleGame Icon_m11Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:12 am
Dorm assigned, Tester DP awarded, Test DP removed and Locked!
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Test Results: StyleGame Empty
PostSubject: Re: Test Results: StyleGame   Test Results: StyleGame Icon_m11

Test Results: StyleGame

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