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 Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster

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Team : Dreamstate

Posts : 335

Duel Points : 100

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Duel Career : 16-0-4

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Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster Empty
PostSubject: Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster   Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster Icon_m11Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:20 am
Match 1

Zombies vs. Prophecy Gravekeepers [Match Invalidated - Royal Tribute used] 0/10 points

Performance: 17/20 points

From the duel we've played it looks like you know how to handle this deck and it gives you some nice plays. Next time use it without royal tribute when tested. Smile

Deck: 0/20 points

You seem to have a nice mix of GK and prophecy cards in this deck. Too bad you've used the banned Royal Tribute so you won't be getting points here.

Match 2

Chaos Agents vs. Counter Agents 2:1 - x-o-x - 5/10 points

Performance: 14/20 points

Duel 1: You should summon the 3rd shine ball with Venus even though you're going for a Gachi summon; it still thins your deck and you certainly don't want to draw a dead shine ball. After your initial play you were stuck with too many monsters - and I had the Dark Mist to go over your Vandy.

Duel 2: Same as duel 1 - you got a Venus + Gachi start without summoning the 3rd Ball. At any rate you've started with a major back row and countered my heavy storm - then I was stuck with an all boss monster hand - nothing I could do there. GG

Duel 3: This time you had a hand full of bosses and I've saved my BTH for your Venus making sure your Hyperion doesn't have fairies in the grave. I believe you were perhaps too quick to use your Torrential on my Normal summon which led me to summon Hyperion which destroyed your dark bribe; holding back on TT for Hyperion might leave your bribe intact for my BTH next turn.

Deck: 14/20 points

You definitely don't want to run 3 copies of Seal of Orichalcos as it can only be activated once per duel. If you want to increase the chance to draw it - add Terraforming; 1 Terra and 1 seal should be enough.
Also, I think you could do without the Valhalla as you don't run many big fairies there; would be better to add more defensive traps instead - prisons are always nice - and you can also add Dark Hole which can be a life saver.
For traps - I think 3 drastic drop off are a bit excessive - main reason is that it's not a good card to draw when you're in a critical position and need something to defend yourself.

Replays: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/90837170/cage%20-%20Retest%20Match%202.zip

Total: 50/100


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 55/100

Too bad the first match got invalidated, you would most likely make it to RA; for now you'll be staying in Slifer Red. Next time double check the banned cards list. Smile

The test cost was already deducted in the main shop.


Posts : 416

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Duel Career : 45-0-54

Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster 2ntv8so
Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster 2ntv8so
1st Division

Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster   Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster Icon_m11Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:13 pm
fair enough; I definitely fluffed it this time. Shame too; my GK are a great matchup against zombies. they tell the annoying little buggers to stay in that grave!


Posts : 421

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Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster   Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster Icon_m11Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:37 am
Tester DP awarded and Locked!
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Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster   Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster Icon_m11

Instant Re-Test: cagethedarkmaster

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