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 Instant Re-Test: Esfo

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Team : Dreamstate

Posts : 335

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 16-0-4

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Gold
1st Division

Instant Re-Test: Esfo Empty
PostSubject: Instant Re-Test: Esfo   Instant Re-Test: Esfo Icon_m11Sat Dec 22, 2012 4:03 pm
Match 1

Chaos Agents vs. Chaos Agents: 2:1 - x-o-x - 5/10 points

Performance: 12/20 points

Duel 1: You've started with a fast Zenmaines, then played orange light on my venus but I had reborn for it to take control and warning to negate your BLS summon. Then you've played your reborn but there wasn't any good target for it (BLS can't be brought back after warning) and you had to play for Gachi (maybe reborn on my tourguide and going for catastor would be a little better).

Duel 2: You got an early field advantage with Venus - I was stuck with too many monsters in hand - game was yours pretty fast.

Duel 3: I read your early torrential and played through it with my earths - then you wasted it on my venus summon. I had Maxx "C" vs. your venus and you've opted to not negate it with Oragne Light just ending your turn. Then you've used the Orange light vs. my sorcrer - that allowed me to summon my Kristya without it being negated which meant basically game over with my backup back row.

Deck: 13/20 points

Chaos Agent build without too many traps; mained cyber dragon seems a bit random, will probably be better to add a trap in its place. The TG strike is an interesting tech but in general genex ally birdman is a much better fit for this deck type.
You've sided in a veiler and two TKRs which is a good choice; the meklord seemed a bit random. The problem is you took out your MSTs and I run quite a lot of traps - that was a mistake.

Replays: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/90837170/Esfo%20-%20Instant%20Retest%20Match%201.zip

Match 2

X-Sabres vs. Prophecy 0:2 - 10/10 points

Performance: 18/20 points

Duel 1: You had a nice top deck of High-Priestess after my Hyunlei play. Then next turn you got tragoedia when I attacked. After that I had a play in mind but I took too long to plan it and didn't notice my timer ran out; my bad for missing that - a win is a win though. Smile

Duel 2: I got a pretty bad starting hand - while you've slowly taken advantage with high priestess. At one point you've wasted a book of power for a direct attack - better save it for when the opponent has monsters. At any rate the reborn on my dark soul left me with zero options so the game was yours.

Deck: 19/20 points

Pretty balanced prophecy deck build - I don't see anything too obvious that should be changed. You were correct in side decking the Maxx "C" and especially the crossout.

Replays: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/90837170/Esfo%20-%20Instant%20Retest%20Match%202.zip

Total: 77/100


Attitude: 0
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 80/100

You'll be staying in the RA Yellow dorm - you're getting close to Obelisk so just keep practicing some more.

300 DP for instant re-test should be deducted.



Posts : 421

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 19-0-2

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Bronze
1st Division

Instant Re-Test: Esfo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Instant Re-Test: Esfo   Instant Re-Test: Esfo Icon_m11Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:15 am
Awarded and Locked!

Instant Re-Test: Esfo

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