Match Duel #1: Chaos Agent vs Worm
3/10 points
Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Notes:Well constructed Worm Deck: damn you for using this btw :p.
I prefer Pachy over Snowman personally but other than that the deck is well made.
Game 1:
I would've used Mirror when I attacked initially or even considered using Judgement on the Creature Swap given I can get Orange or anything with the Sangan.
Should've attacked with both Honest and Raioh.
Game 2:
Side deck of Macro, Maxx C, Pachy was good.
No mistakes: GG
Game 3:
No mistakes: though I don't see why you didn't set Pachy.
I would've also activated the MST since I only use 1 trap (the 2 facedown should've been quite obvious to be MST)
Game was over by turn 3: nothing you could really do, GG
Match Duel #2: Lancer Frogs vs Gravekeepers
8/10 (game 3 didn't save properly)
Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Performance: 17/20 points
Notes:Horrible match up... lol.
Good deck: I liked the Pachy tech as well. Personally I prefer Malefic Cyber End over Stardust but that's up to personal preference and Stardust does a good job also.
Game 1:
First turn Necrovalley killed me: you were in total control GG
Game 2:
Sided in another Pachy was good though I would've kept the MST since I was obviously going to side in Shadow-Mirror.
No mistakes, but once I got Shadow Mirror out it was GG from there.
Game 3:
Don't have the replays but I remember you had control over the field with Necrovalley (again...)
Replays: Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
Total: 85/105
You are in the
Obelisk Blue Dorm.
Tester DP and 0 DP for forced-retest transferred