Match Duel #1: T.G. Stun vs Spellbook
3/10 points
Deck Construction: 16/20 points
Performance: 17/20 points
Notes:Phew... banned Divine Spellbook just in time :p.
Normally Temperance isn't as well used as Justice now but none the less, solid deck.
Personally, I would find space for another Trago.
I would take one Maestroke out and replace the second copy with something else: like Black Corn for example.
Game 1:
No mistakes: drew 3 monsters the whole game
None the less, GG
Game 2:
Lack of any siding - 2 Decrees instead of Torrential would've been a good decision
No notable mistakes: I just had control of the duel with my traps.
Game 3:
You had an amazing starting hand: what I would've done is use the second Wisdom and get rid of Skill Drain that turn.
Going into Gachi with Skill Drain up is useless: since I had 1000 LP it would've been better to try and attack with them.
Match Duel #2: Thunder vs Chaos Agents
Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Notes:Solid Agent deck: why did I see Kenshi's smiling face in the background? :p
Game 1:
Rather than Leviathan: Zenmaines would've been a good start. Or even better: getting a Sangan and leaving it (as you didn't have any other monsters)
You could've finished the game at turn 6, if you just used your Call of the Haunted to summon any monster.
In the end the top decked Hyperion saved you, but you could've lost the duel from 6000-200 up.
Game 2:
Ryko was an interesting side.
Going into Acid Golem instead of Leviathan: Acid Golem is a dangerous card to use and all I did was wait it out until you practically had to kill yourself.
Game 3:
Normally.. attacking with the weakest monster when the opponent has an empty field is basic (which you didn't do).
But, you did have Herald in hand so that's fine.
I thought I had game but then you showed me that BLS in your hand lol: GG Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
Total: 83/105
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