Match Duel #1: T.G. Stun vs Chaos Agent
3/10 points
Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Performance: 18/20 points
Notes:Solid deck: instead of going the 1 treacherous trap hole route, you went for 2 Torrential + a single copy of Lance. This isn't a bad thing of course, and although personally I'm not a fan of 1 copy of a tech the deck was very solid.
Game 1:
You had the duel under control with Trago and MST: GG
Game 2:
Attacking with Hyperion: you were wary of my facedown and a better play would've been to wait.
Game 3:
No major misplays.
Match Duel #2: Lancer Frog vs Inzektors
Deck Construction: 18/20 points
Performance: 18/20 points
Notes:41 card deck: but it doesn't matter that much so its understandable.
Extra is solid, as was the deck. I would've made 1 room for Rank 6 XYZ just in case though.
Game 1:
Well first turn Centipede + Hornet + Heavy Storm was a bummer :p.
Not sure why you did nothing for that turn: not sure if you thought Gorz can still be summoned with LADD on the field: but you wasted a turn (not that it made a huge difference)
Obelisk ftw :p
Game 2:
Good siding of D Fissure and Raioh.
Another Heavy Storm starting hand...
Dragonfly + Centipede is just cruel
Game 3:
Sided in Ryko: I didn't expect that at all and in the end that killed my Dark Mist: good siding
Arguably one of the most intense test duels I've had.
Not drawing my Obelisk or any Caius was disappointing but GG.
This duel showed every reason why Inzektors are hated among the general population but you played well, not making any major mistakes. Decks: 3/3
Attitude: 2/2
Total: 90/105
Congratulations! You are in the
Obelisk Blue Dorm: well deserved!
Tester DP and 100 DP for Test transferred