Match 1Zombies vs. Chaos Agents 2:1 - 3/10 points
Performance: 15/20 points
Duel 1: You really started with everything in this duel - and I didn't even have one trap. Nice & easy win for you.
Duel 2: Not really sure why you've used Orange Light on Goblin Zombie's milling effect - that was a clean minus 2 for you. At any rate my early Kycoo that cleared venus from the grave proved to be decisive - your Hyperion was stuck in hand for too long.
Duel 3: You went for a swarm play on turn 7 - but Zombie World prevented your Hyperion from activating its effect - that meant my Maestroke kept me alive. Next turn I had Dark Hole and DAD and book of life to revive Kycoo - I manipulated your grave so that you couldn't summon any boss monster you might have ready. And indeed you had BLS and Kristya on your last turn which you couldn't summon - so DAD won. lol
Deck: 17/20 points
You went for the one trap treacherous trap hole build here. It's pretty good, you have the "hand trap" monsters to help protect you due to the lack of traps. Of course the down side is you cannot stop opponents big plays without traps. Well that's the deck for good or bad.
Your side deck of crossouts definitely took me by surprise; in game 3 you've added shadow-imprisoning which is pretty good too.
Replays: 2 X-Sabers vs. Chaos Thunders 2:1 - 5/10 points
Performance: 17/20
Duel 1: Crazy duel - it was a real thrill. On turn 10 you made a crucial error though, activating avarice when I had Naturia Beast - you should have waited till after the battle phase with that. Next turn I had the mind control on your scrap dragon to take the game.
Duel 2: You played this one perfectly - the plusses from your sea-horse and Sishunder were just impossible to overcome. Nicely done.
Duel 3: You started this with only spells, TGU and one thunder monster - and you didn't manage to draw any more thunder monsters. All you could do is stall me for a while - but once my Gottoms discarded your dark hole it was over.
Deck: 16/20
Again, an almost trap less deck. So, you mostly depend on your monsters to protect you - but that doesn't always work and it's almost impossible to stop opponents' big power plays. I would definitely consider playing the TKRs in the main deck - card is just too good.
Replays: 73/100
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 78/100
You'll be staying in the RA yellow dorms; good luck in your next test!