Zombies vs Windup 0:2 - 10/10 points
Performance: 20/20 points
Duel 1: Played everything out well.
Duel 2: Again, no mistakes.
Duel 3: N/A
Deck: 17/20 points
Nice personal techs since Factory is out and I do like that Tenki. I do think mained veilers aren't as good as they used to anymore and there are better cards to fill that.
Try to lose Acid Golem from your side. You special summon way too much to use him; try getting another beatstick, Leviathan Dragon should be fine. Also make room for Abyss Dweller. That card counters a lot of cards and not to mention he boosts it's own attack when you use Shark to summon it.
Match 2
Windup vs Burning Knuckler 0:2 - 10/10 points
Performance: 17/20
Duel 1: That blind Heavy storm was really dodgy and just to trade 1 for 1 while you could take out more if you wait. If I had a good backrow in my hand I wouldn't have to fear Heavy Storm anymore. Turn 15, you could've used TT on me summoning Shark, boosting your monster's attack and wiping out my field. Topping MST closed the duel though so gg.
Duel 2: I forgot you had Counterblow in hand so that lost me the game instantly, realised that only after I used TT.
Duel 3: N/A
Deck: 19/20
Good ways to swarm the field with a good backrow. Also a good allround extra deck though I do think it's missing Temtempo, but that's just a personal preference.
Total: 93/100
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 98/100
Congratulations, you've made it to the elite
Obelisk Blue dorm.