Match Duel #1: Gravekeeper vs SDD/AM - 2:1
3/10 points
Deck Construction: 10/20 points
Performance: 13/20 points
Replay's : added few random cards to your deck.- When i say random , i mean they just dont belong there. Examples : 1x Smashing Ground. You also have just 1x Mallet.
Since this deck is based on getting stardust out , then activating assault mode activate , i think you should run 1 or 2 Starlight roads.
Also , i would advise you add reckless greed's aswell for draw power because very easly you can have a dead draw in this deck.
Lack of Mystical Space Typhoon's , Dark hole...
I Would replace one black rose or one fusion of yours , and add Ancient Fairy Dragon.
Also lack of XYZ Monsters. You dont need 3 Lvl5 , 3 Lvl4 monsters for instant fusion (extra deck) , thats just a waste of space.
Since you use alot of tuners , maybe you should add mind control?
Duel 1:
Turn 5 : You played Monster Reborn , even thought necrovalley was face up on the field.
Duel 2:
You had no chance there , i completely locked you out.
Duel 3:
Sided in 2x Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror = You should've done that earlier ( in second duel)
Again Rivalry , Fissure , Necrovalley - killed your sdd'am. = You couldn't do anything.
Match Duel #2: Chaos Plant vs Fire King - 0:2
10/10 points
Deck Construction: 14/20 points
Performance: 17/20 points
Replay's : like the first deck - This one has "random cards" in it what should not be there , perfect example : Molten Destruction.
I Would replace 3 dark bribe with 3 Forbidden Lance.
Again lack of mystical space typhoon's...
Random tensu? You would be better with Tenki instead of Tensu.
I Understand the idea of using Laval Magma Cannoneer with Garunix , then reborn/haunted but 3 cannoneer's is too mutch.
I Would add +2 Circle of the Fire Kings
Notes :
Duel 1:
No missplay's.
Duel 2:
Sided in 2 Iron-Wall's - Good choice.
Turn 10: Topdecked rekindling , turned the duel around. After that i couldnt turn things around.
Total 67/105
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 72/105
You are in the
Slifer Red Dorm for now.