Match Duel #1: Blackwing vs Heraldic Wind Beast - 2:0
0/10 points
Deck Construction: 9/20 points
Performance: 12/20 points
Replay's : original deck.
Misses staples ( dark hole , heavy storm )....
Looks to me like heraldic + random monster mash-up ( 1x harpie lady , 2x reborn tengu , 1x flying kamakiri)
Duel 1:
Turn 8 : You attacked my sirocco with utopia EVEN THOUGHT you saw me putting kalut in my hand. You should've just summoned utopia and end turn.
Duel 2:
Same thing like in duel 1 , you saw me getting kalut into my hand , but you still summoned utopia and attacked my armed wing.
Duel 3:
Match Duel #2: T.G Stun vs Dragunity Assault Mode
-/10 points
Deck Construction: -/20 points
Performance: -/20 points
Replay : :
Sadly , you used a banned deck for testing (Dragunity Assault Mode)
Only have replay of duel 1 because he dced or server crashed im not sure..
Duel 1:
Duel 2:
Total 21/105
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 26/105
You are in the
Slifer Red Dorm. please read the rules carefully next time.