Match Duel: Blackwing vs Ancient Gear + Cydra OTK Single Duel:Psychics vs Ancient Gear + Cydra OTKMatch = 0/30 points
Single = 0/10 points
Match Deck Construction = 0/10 points
Match Performance = 13/20 points
Single Deck Construction = 0/10 points
Single Performance = 16/20 points
Total = 29/100
Different Decks = -3/3 points
Attitude = 1/2 points
Grand Total =
Replays: deck scores are 0 because this was an inappropriate deck to bring to testing. Decks built around OTK's like the Power Bond/Overload Fusion and Chimeratech Overdragon aren't permitted. Beyond that the Ancient Gears themselves aren't very strong monsters. I was disapointed because with the Genex monsters it seemed like you were going for something interesting.
Game 1:You played out Genex Ally Birdman on his own when you had an Ancient Gear Beast in your hand and Geartown on the field. You didn't even use him to attack, wasting him when he was destroyed by my Rai-oh.
You had a Starlight Road in hand since first turn and didn't set it right away. If you had you would have gotten Stardust when I used Icarus Attack.
You kept setting monsters like Ancient Gear Knight just to not take damage. Not taking damage isn't as important as keeping card advantage.
Game 2:You played out Genex Ally Birdman again, when I had Rai-oh out this time and it was obvious he would die. This was completely unnecessary as you had a Cyber Valley on the field.
I won't fault you for the obvious misclick when you negated your own Cyber Dragon with Solemn Warning, but try to be careful next time.
You left Overload Fusion unplayed when you had no summonable monsters and it was likely you would lose by damage the next turn.
Single:You used Dark Hole on my Tragodia and your Cyber Valley. Considering the lack of playable cards in hand it would have been more advantageous to let me attack Valley first, then Dark Hole next turn.
The duel didn't last much longer then this since you jumped the gun and used Power Bond for Chimeratech Overdragon. Considering Veiler is a popular main-deck card, I hope this demonstraits why that otk isn't very good right now.
Try again with a more viable deck next time. You will be placed in
Slifer Red.