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 Re-Test Result : SilentSolitude

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Posts : 800

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 2-0-0

Duel Career : 122-0-71

YGOPro Name : DarkMadzishN

YCC Silver
Weekly Bash Gold
1st Division

Re-Test Result : SilentSolitude Empty
PostSubject: Re-Test Result : SilentSolitude   Re-Test Result : SilentSolitude Icon_m11Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:59 am
Match Duel #1: Six Samurai vs Chain Beat - 2:1

5/10 points

Deck Construction: 13/20 points
Performance: 15/20 points

Notes:. You miss staples : Monster Reborn , Mystical Space Typhoon's.You use BLS while you have only 2 light monster ( 2 Veiler's )
Aswell you use gorz in a deck full of traps. I Would replace those 2 with 2 Mystical Space Typhoons , also i would take the only Transmigration prophercy and add Monster Reborn.
Your only Lvl4 monsters are 3x Thunderbird's , because its like that i would take out Evilswarm Ouroboros , Vylon Disigma , Shock Master since its almost impossible for you to summon them , I would add +1 Leviathan Dragon , +1 Maestroke , +1 Utopia instead of them.

Duel 1:
You had terrible hand at the beggining , you tried stalling with zenmaines , but i got Shi En , Naturia Beast , Catastor out. At end you had thunderbird and 3 traps facedown. I Drew heavy storm and that won me the duel.

Duel 2:
Turn 1 : Seting 4 facedown cards without any protection was a HUGE risk..(2 accumulated fortune , warning , Compulsory. If i heavy stormed you , you wouldnt be able to activate any of them and you would be doomed.
Having Tour Guide , Acid Golem face up and starlight facedown was wierd. I Tried dark hole'in , you activated starlight. Since Acid Golem was face up you weren't able to special summon Stardust.But , it was either acid golem or temptempo / zenmaines / leviair so i guess you made the best choice.

Duel 3:
Turn 2 : You set starlight , summoned cardcar d while you had GORZ in your hand. Lucky for you i mystical space typhoon'ed your starlight so you had a chance of summoning gorz..
Forcing me to activate mirror force on your grand mole was a nice plan ( You putted your gorz , gorz token in defense mode).

Match Duel #2: X-Saber vs Blackwing - 2:1

5/10 points

Deck Construction: 14/20 points
Performance: 17/20 points

Notes : When i saw grepher , sirrocos and vayu's i thought you play Turbo Vayu.But , after i saw your deck i realized its either a normal blackwing deck or turbo vayu what misses alot of cards.
You use 2 Kaluts instead of 3.
You dont need 1x Grepher , 1x Armaggedon Knight , 2x Birdman , 1x Gozen in a Blackwing deck - They are only needed in turbo vayu ( grepher's and armaggedon knight's.)
I Would add +1 Blizzard , +1 Icarius , +1 Dark Armed Dragon , +1 Avarice.
For your extra deck : I would take out Decisive Armor , Thought ruler archfiend , Vylon Disigma and add +1 Black Corn , +1 Sylphine , +1 Gaia Knight

Duel 1:
No major missplay's.

Duel 2:
No Major Missplay's.

Duel 3 :
I Destroyed your whole hand with Gottom's. You couldn't do a thing to stop it.

Total 69/105


Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3

Grand total points scored: 74/105

You are in Slifer Red Dorm.


Team : Toxic Flamingos

Posts : 1366

Duel Points : 100

Duel Season : 0-0-0

Duel Career : 50-0-57

YGOPro Name : Azi

Team Wars Silver
Weekly Bash Bronze
1st Division

Re-Test Result : SilentSolitude Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Test Result : SilentSolitude   Re-Test Result : SilentSolitude Icon_m11Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:15 am
Tester DP Awarded, Dorm Assigned and Thread Locked!

Re-Test Result : SilentSolitude

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