Match Duel #1: Thunder vs Water Rabbit - 2:0
0/10 points
Deck Construction: 19/20 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Notes: Certenly original , maybe should take out gorz because you run macro cosmos'es.
Duel 1:
Turn 7 : Wasted bottomless when i summoned omega.
Duel 2: Sided in LIM's.
No major missplay's.
Duel 3:
Match Duel #2: Blackwing vs Agent - 2:1
3/10 points
Deck Construction: 17/20 points
Performance: 16/20 points
Notes : Solid Agent deck ( considering that hyperon is at 1) , would just try fitting in Herald of Sacred Light
Duel 1:
No major missplay's.
Duel 2: Sided in SIM'S.
Turn 8 : You putted venus into defense mode while i had armed wing face up. Basically gave me a free win.
Duel 3 :
I Topdecked DAD and won the duel.
Total 71/105
Attitude: +2
Different decks: +3
Grand total points scored: 76/105
You will be staying in RA Yellow Dorm.